
A collection of Chemistry related resources

curated by Benetech

Resources 67

  • Person in a science lab. One beaker contains an orange liquid, and one beaker contains a green liquid. Caption: It's orange. That means its pH is 5.

    Acids and bases are important to many chemical processes: maintaining a stable internal environment in the human body, baking a delicious cake, or determining whether a lake can support aquatic life. Reactions involving acids and bases can be described through the transfer of protons. The reactions of acids and bases, which can be monitored with indicators, can range from corrosive behavior to neutralizations that leave no acids or bases behind. To understand the controlling of pH of solutions, buffers are discussed in the laboratory and in the chemistry of the bloodstream. Part of Chemistry: Challenges and Solutions Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Atom Diagram

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    This illustration shows that, like planets orbiting the sun, electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom. The nucleus contains two neutrally charged neutrons, and two positively charged protons represented by spheres. A single, circular orbital surrounding the nucleus contains two negatively charged electrons on opposite sides.

    Figure 2.2 (OpenStax, Biology 2e) caption: Elements, such as helium, depicted here, are made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of protons and neutrons located within the nucleus, with electrons in orbitals surrounding the nucleus.

    (Source: OpenStax)

  • Close up of bones in a human body with a bright point of light at one of the joints. Caption: So they were named "x-rays."

    As scientists delved deep into the atom, into the very heart of matter, they unraveled nature's most shocking secrets. They had to abandon everything they believed in and create a whole new science, which today underpins the whole of physics, chemistry, biology, and maybe even life itself. Tells a story of great geniuses, like Albert Einstein and Werner Heisenberg who were driven by their thirst for knowledge and glory. It's a story of false starts and conflicts, ambition, and revelation, a story which leads us through some of the most exciting and exhilarating ideas ever conceived of by the human race.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Atoms

    • Video
    Points of light streaking toward a central point. Caption: Matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms.

    What is an atom? It is the smallest particle of an element, and everything is made up of atoms. They consist of three basic particles: protons, electrons, and neutrons. The scientific community has experienced significant breakthroughs which have contributed to the understanding of atoms. Other topics covered include atomic number, atomic mass, Bohr model, electron cloud, and isotope.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Benzene Molecular Diagram

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    Benzene is a six-carbon ring with alternating double bonds. Each carbon has one hydrogen attached.

    Figure 2.23 (OpenStax, Biology 2e) caption: Carbon can form five- and six-membered rings. Single or double bonds may connect the carbons in the ring, and nitrogen may be substituted for carbon.

    (Source: OpenStax)

  • Bohr Atomic Model

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    Three concentric circles around the nucleus of a hydrogen atom represent principal shells. These are named 1 n, 2 n, and 3 n in order of increasing distance from the nucleus. An electron orbits in the shell closest to the nucleus, 1 n.

    Figure 2.6 (OpenStax, Biology 2e) caption: In 1913, Niels Bohrs developed the Bohr model in which electrons exist within principal shells. An electron normally exists in the lowest energy shell available, which is the one closest to the nucleus. Energy from a photon of light can bump it up to a higher energy shell, but this situation is unstable, and the electron quickly decays back to the ground state. In the process, it releases a photon of light.

    (Source: OpenStax)

  • Bohr Diagrams

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    Bohr diagrams of elements from groups 1, 14, 17 and 18, and periods 1, 2 and 3 are shown. Period 1, in which the 1n shell is filling, contains hydrogen and helium. Hydrogen, in group 1, has one valence electron. Helium, in group 18, has two valence electrons. The 1n shell holds a maximum of two electrons, so the shell is full and the electron configuration is stable. Period 2, in which the 2n shell is filling, contains lithium, carbon, fluorine, and neon. Lithium, in group 1, has 1 valence electron. Carbon, in group 14, has 4 valence electrons. Fluorine, in group 17, has 7 valence electrons. Neon, in group 18, has 8 valence electrons, a full octet. Period 3, in which the 3n shell is filling, contains sodium, silicon, chlorine, and argon. Sodium, in group 1, has 1 valence electron. Silicon, in group 14, has 4 valence electrons. Chlorine, in group 17, has 7 valence electrons. Argon, in group 18, has 8 valence electrons, a full octet.

    Figure 2.7 (OpenStax, Biology 2e) caption: Bohr diagrams indicate how many electrons fill each principal shell. Group 18 elements (helium, neon, and argon) have a full outer, or valence, shell. A full valence shell is the most stable electron configuration. Elements in other groups have partially filled valence shells and gain or lose electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.

    (Source: OpenStax)

  • Bonding

    • Video
    Blue and red spheres form a larger spherical shape. Caption: affects how they bond with other atoms.

    Part of the "Chemistry in Action" series. Describes and illustrates the process of chemical bonding through live action footage and animations. Provides an overview of the role atomic structure plays in the process of bonding. Provides examples of how chemical bonding, including ionic bonds, covalent bonds, and metallic bonds, affects the characteristics of matter. Introduces the following terminology: element, atomic structure, energy level, valence electrons, ionic bonds, crystal lattice, covalent bond, and metallic bond.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Test tube with aqua liquid in the bottom is immersed in ice water. Caption: and at low temperatures, the reaction is slowed down.

    Experiments show the production and properties of carbon dioxide and its use as a fire extinguisher. The second part demonstrates the effect of surface area, temperature, and concentration on chemical reaction rates.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Two matches, one unlit, the other with the tip burned and extinguished. Chemical change. Caption: This is an example of a chemical change.

    From enjoying the warmth of a fire to baking a cake, people benefit from chemical changes every day. This program illustrates and explains numerous examples of chemical changes. It also takes a look at some of the common characteristics of reactions that occur chemically. Concepts and terminology explored include: physical change, chemical change, reaction, color change, gas, and heat.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Terraced sloping sides lead to a deep depression in a hillside of brown, gray, and red dirt. Caption: In nature, aluminum exists as various compounds.

    Very little in the physical world around us occurs without chemical reactions being involved. Takes an in-depth look at five common products that are in use all around us. Also, explores the chemistry behind their manufacture and/or use, including chemical equations. The products are soap, polystyrene, aluminum, paint, and car batteries.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Diagram of an atom with two shells displayed on a screen. Inner shell with two electrons is highlighted. Caption: because they aren't in the outermost shell.

    The formation of molecular bonds is an essential part of keeping matter together. The sharing of charges between atoms helps them become more stable. Other topics covered include sharing electrons, bonding tendencies, isomers, VSEPR theory, and molecular geometry. Part of the "Chemistry" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Cube with round objects moving away from it. Sublimation. Caption: It's called sublimation and it's sublime.

    The state of matter is the form taken by matter at a given temperature and pressure. A phase of matter is uniform with respect to its physical and chemical properties. Matter undergoes phase transitions to change from one phase to another. Part of the "Chemistry" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Black and white picture of a man next to an illustration of a closed container half full of liquid. Henry's law. Caption: See, vapor pressure is created by gas molecules

    A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. It contains a solute and and solvent. Solubility is the maximum quantity of a solute that can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent at a specified temperature. Other topics covered include concentration, Raoult's law, colligative properties, and non-ideal behavior. Part of the "Chemistry" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustration of liquid being poured into a container with H2O. It is labeled NaOH. Caption: Sodium hydroxide is a bade made of sodium and hydroxide

    Solutions are classified as acidic or basic based on their hydrogen ion concentration relative to pure water. An acidic solution has a higher concentration of hydrogen ions, and a basic solution has a lower concentration of hydrogen ions. Other topics covered include chemical reaction basics, properties of acids and based, acid-base reactions, and other mixtures. Part of the "Chemistry" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustration of a cat knocking over stacked dominoes that then fall as one hits the next. Caption: A catalyst is a substance that jump-starts a chemical reaction without getting involved in the reaction itself.

    A chemical reaction is a process that leads to the chemical transformation of one set of chemical substances to another. Topics covered include precipitation reactions, oxidation-reduction reactions, kinetics, equilibrium, and nuclear reactions. Part of the "Chemistry" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Two moles strapped together pulling in opposite directions while a bird in a cage is balancing on their backs. Mass-mass Mole-mass. Caption: to figure out mass, find out how reactants work together,

    Using a balanced chemical equation to calculate amounts of reactants and products is called stoichiometry. It is a super technical-sounding word that simply means using ratios from the balanced equation. Topics covered in this program include the metric system, balancing equations, molar conversions, mass percent, empirical formulas, and limiting reactants. Part of the "Chemistry" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Calorie: The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one-degree C. Caption: (woman) That's right: calories.

    Thermodynamics deals broadly with the conservation and conversion of various forms of energy. It also describes the relationships between energy and the changes in properties of matter. Other topics covered include Hess's law, the laws of thermodynamics, and the Gibbs free energy. Part of the "Chemistry" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Chlorine and hydrogen atoms joined. Caption: What are some of the different types of chemical compounds?

    Part of the "Chemistry in Action" series. Demonstrates how chemical compounds are placed into groups so that they may be studied easier. Explores acids and bases, emphasizing their nature and common everyday uses. Discusses carbon compounds, and introduces the following terminology: acid, base, pH, salt, carbon, organic, and hydrocarbon.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Cyclohexane Molecular Diagram

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    Cyclohexane is a ring of six carbons, each with two hydrogens attached.

    Figure 2.23 (OpenStax, Biology 2e) caption: Carbon can form five- and six-membered rings. Single or double bonds may connect the carbons in the ring, and nitrogen may be substituted for carbon.

    (Source: OpenStax)

  • Cyclopentane Molecular Diagram

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    Cyclopentane is a ring consisting of five carbons, each with two hydrogens attached.

    Figure 2.23 (OpenStax, Biology 2e) caption: Carbon can form five- and six-membered rings. Single or double bonds may connect the carbons in the ring, and nitrogen may be substituted for carbon.

    (Source: OpenStax)

  • Gasoline pump labelled "Ethanol" with two gas pumps. Caption: is actually a blend of ethanol and unleaded gasoline.

    With today's high fuel costs, it is time to start looking beyond petroleum and into renewable resources to power vehicles. Ethanol is a clean-burning fuel derived from plants, primarily corn. It is combined with gasoline to produce a cleaner fuel that doesn't emit as many greenhouse gases as pure gasoline. Pure ethanol has not yet been approved to fuel vehicles, but it is the fuel of choice for racecars. By mixing gasoline with ethanol, fuel supply can be extended. Explores the production of ethanol and highlights the importance it holds in the "green power" movement.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person holding a sheet of a shiny metal. Caption: An element is often thought of as a pure substance

    This video explains the vital role elements and compounds play in making up matter. Everyday examples of different types of mixtures help students realize the important role they play in daily life. Other topics covered include elements, compounds, homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures, colloid, suspension, solution, solvent, and solute.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • 4Fe+3O2+4H2O converts to 2Fe2O3*2H2O. Caption: This causes the iron to become a hydrated iron oxide,

    Some chemical reactions happen spontaneously, like metal rusting. Other reactions are non-spontaneous and need to absorb energy in order to occur. Using the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the principle of entropy, and the calculation of Gibbs free energy, scientists can predict which reactions will occur and vary the conditions to make more of the desired products. In equilibrium reactions, both products and reactants are always present. Equilibrium reactions in the human body are essential for life and can be exploited in chemical manufacturing as well. Part of the series Chemistry: Challenges And Solutions.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Open flame with a piece of metal in it. Flame below the metal is blue, above the metal is orange. Ca2+. Caption: Calcium compounds show a typical orange-red coloring.

    Tests the heat zones of a Bunsen burner and shows some elements' coloration when placed in the flame. Notes that chemistry is everywhere, in both natural and man-made components.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Function Group: Phosphate

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    Phosphate groups consist of a phosphorous with one double bonded oxygen and two upper O upper H groups. Another oxygen forms a link from the phosphorous to a carbon chain. Both upper O upper H groups in phosphorous can lose an H positive ion, and phosphate groups are considered acidic.

    Figure 2.27 (OpenStax, Biology 2e) caption: These functional groups are in many different biological molecules. R, also known as R-group, is an abbreviation for any group in which a carbon or hydrogen atom is attached to the rest of the molecule.

    (Source: OpenStax)

  • Function Groups: Amino and Carbonyl

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    Carbonyl groups, which consist of an oxygen double bonded to a carbon in the middle of a hydrocarbon chain, are polar. Amino groups, which consist of two hydrogens attached to a nitrogen, are able to accept H positive ions from solution, forming H subscript 3 baseline positive. Amino groups are considered basic.

    Figure 2.27 (OpenStax, Biology 2e) caption: These functional groups are in many different biological molecules. R, also known as R-group, is an abbreviation for any group in which a carbon or hydrogen atom is attached to the rest of the molecule.

    (Source: OpenStax)

  • Function Groups: Carboxyl and Sulfhydryl

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    Carboxyl groups, which consist of a carbon with a double bonded oxygen and an upper O upper H group attached to a carbon chain, are able to ionize, releasing H positive ions into solution. Carboxyl groups are considered acidic. Sulfhydryl is a polar molecule.

    Figure 2.27 (OpenStax, Biology 2e) caption: These functional groups are in many different biological molecules. R, also known as R-group, is an abbreviation for any group in which a carbon or hydrogen atom is attached to the rest of the molecule.

    (Source: OpenStax)

  • Function Groups: Hydroxyl and Methyl

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    Hydroxyl groups, which consist of upper case O upper case H attached to a carbon chain, are polar. Methyl groups, which consist of three hydrogens attached to a carbon chain, are nonpolar.

    Figure 2.27 (OpenStax, Biology 2e) caption: These functional groups are in many different biological molecules. R, also known as R-group, is an abbreviation for any group in which a carbon or hydrogen atom is attached to the rest of the molecule.

    (Source: OpenStax)

  • Helium

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    Illustration of the Helium atom comprising of 2 positively charged protons an d 2 Neutrons in the Nucleus, with two orbiting negatively charged electrons.

    Remixed from Customizable Atom Delux by roman_hegglin. Helium is a chemical element with symbol He and atomic number 2. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, inert, monatomic gas, the first in the noble gas group in the periodic table. Its boiling point is the lowest among all the elements.

    (Source: OpenStax)

  • Helium Atomic Diagram

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    Diagram of a helium atom, showing two electrons in a circular orbit around a cluster of two neutrons and two protons.

    Diagram of a helium atom. Design modalities for the image include braille with and without labels, print with and without labels in greyscale, color, and texture.

    (Source: Benetech)

  • Hydrocarbons

    • Video
    Test tube with a clear substance on the bottom. At the top of the substance is a light-yellow patch. Caption: it does not dissolve and floats on the water.

    Lab experiments demonstrate a variety of ways to detect carbon and hydrogen in organic substances. Burns hexane, benzene, cyclohexane, and naphthalene; shows properties of a propane-butane mixture.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Hydrogen

    • Video
    Narrow curving tube exits into a wider tube. Both are underwater. Caption: whether hydrogen has a higher or lower density than air.

    Demonstrates the production and collection of hydrogen in a chemistry lab, and testing of its purity. Also shows and explains other chemical reactions related to this element.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Hydrogen Atomic Diagram

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    Diagram of a hydrogen atom, showing one electron in a circular orbit around a single proton.

    Diagram of a hydrogen atom. Design modalities for the image include braille with and without labels, print with and without labels in greyscale, color, and texture.

    (Source: Benetech)

  • Large spherical object surrounded by smaller multi-sphere objects. Nova Caption: Carbon is one of the most versatile elements.

    Carbon is the basis of all organic molecules. It is also one of the most abundant elements in the universe. This video segment illustrates the special characteristics of carbon that make it an essential ingredient for life.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person with a blue cylindrical container in their hands. Caption: can also be released as a result of chemical reactions.

    From cooking food to enjoying the warmth of a fire, chemical reactions happen every day. Students learn the major characteristics and types of chemical reactions. Additional concepts and terminology discussed include: reactants, products, physical and chemical changes, chemical equation, reaction rate, and indicators of chemical reactions.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Carbon atom with two oxygen atoms. Caption: Carbon dioxide is an example of a compound.

    Students learn how to differentiate mixtures, solutions, elements, and compounds. Additional concepts and terminology discussed include: element, pure substance, properties, atoms, molecule, compounds, types of mixtures, suspension, colloid, and alloy.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Lithium Atomic Diagram

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    Diagram of a lithium atom, showing three electrons in a circular orbit around a cluster of three neutrons and three protons.

    Diagram of a lithium atom. Design modalities for the image include braille with and without labels, print with and without labels in greyscale, color, and texture.

    (Source: Benetech)

  • Metals I

    • Video
    Person pouring clear liquid into 4 beakers. Caption:  Nitric acid is a very strong oxidizing agent.

    Lab experiments show how magnesium, zinc, iron, and copper react with hydrochloric and nitric acids. Also shows the displacement of two metals from salts.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Metals 2

    • Video
    Broken pottery with a lump of metal on the ground. Caption: we find iron reduced from the iron(III) oxide.

    Shows the combustion of magnesium, a thermite reaction to form iron, and the chemical reactions of sodium and potassium with water.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Molarity

    • Simulation
    Screenshot: Phet Simulation - Molarity.  Slide adjusters for Solute amount, Solution Volumne, with a large beaker of liquid and a indicator of the Solution Concentration.

    What is concentration? Explore the relationships between moles, liters, and molarity by adjusting the solute amount, solution volume, and changing solutes to compare different chemical compounds in water.

    (Source: PhET Interactive Simulations)

  • Nonmetals

    • Video
    A large beaker with a substance in the bottom, a smaller beaker suspended above it. Caption: and yet their properties are so different.

    Experiments feature: (1) halogens as oxidizing agents, (2) bromine reacting with potassium, (3) detecting bromine in compounds, (4) combustion of sulphur and the formation of sulfuric acid, (5) properties of phosphorus, and (6) spontaneous ignition of white phosphorus.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person holding an open beaker of a clear liquid next to an empty test tube. Caption: Acetic acid is weaker than most inorganic acids.

    Organic acids, found in common foods, appear as citric acid (lemons), acetic acid (vinegar), and malic acid (apples). Also shows esterification and the formation of an ester.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • The periodic table of elements. A color-coded grid with letters representing each element. Caption: Each row of the table represents a pattern of chemical properties

    As scientists discovered more and more chemical elements, they began developing systems to organize the elements by their chemical properties, leading to the modern periodic table. Through its organization, the periodic table makes clear the underlying chemical and physical trends among the elements. The periodic table is being continually updated even today as scientists strive to create new elements in laboratories. Part of the series Chemistry: Challenges And Solutions.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Oxygen

    • Video
    Beaker of liquid with a yellow substance dissolving. Caption: It was formed by the oxidation of potassium iodide.

    Lab experiments test for oxygen and show its reaction to iron and carbon.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Oxygen Atoms

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    Two oxygen atoms are shown side-by-side. Each has six valence electrons, two that are paired and two that are unpaired. An arrow indicates that a reaction takes place. After the reaction, the four unpaired electrons join to form a double bond. This double bond can also be depicted by an equal sign between two Os.

    Figure 2.10 (OpenStax, Biology 2e) caption: A double bond joins the oxygen atoms in an O2 molecule.

    (Source: OpenStax)

  • The periodic table of elements. A grid with letters representing each element. Spanish captions.

    Everything is made of millions of tiny particles. Animations illustrate how matter consists of different types of particles that are responsible for varying characteristics. Concepts and terminology include atom, element, chemical, and compound.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Pyridine Molecular Diagram

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    Pyridine is a six-carbon ring with alternating double bonds and a nitrogen substituted for one of the carbons. No hydrogens are attached to the nitrogen.

    Figure 2.23 (OpenStax, Biology 2e) caption: Carbon can form five- and six-membered rings. Single or double bonds may connect the carbons in the ring, and nitrogen may be substituted for carbon.

    (Source: OpenStax)

  • Gloved hand holding an electronic chip with a pair of tweezers. Caption: they call it an artificial leaf.

    To manipulate chemical reactions on a large scale, scientists use stoichiometry to quantify those reactions. The use of stoichiometry ensures there are the right amount of reactants and products. Without it, reactions can be incomplete, with expensive materials wasted and harmful byproducts created. Using stoichiometry, scientists are creating chemicals that take the place of petroleum in fabricating sustainable materials. At a different lab, scientists are mimicking the process of photosynthesis to convert the sun’s energy into storable chemical energy. Part of Chemistry: Challenges and Solutions Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Multiple images showing a progression of yellow to red circles appearing on a dark background. Caption: Then, a series of images are collected at regular intervals.

    Radioactivity is all around us and comes from a variety of sources. There are three types of radiation, and experiments show the differences in the penetrating power of each one. A major use of radioactivity is in nuclear medicine. Discusses the half-life of radiation and how to calculate it.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Reactions

    • Video
    A beaker full of murky liquid. Caption: a chemical reaction takes place

    Part of the "Chemistry in Action" series. Chemicals interacting with each other are one of the most fascinating topics in chemistry. Fireworks, burning flares, and rusting all illustrate chemical reactions. Describes the different types of reactions as well as the process of balancing chemical equations. Introduces the following terminology: chemical equations, Law of Conservation of Mass, decomposition and synthesis reactions, replacement reactions, and reaction rates.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Four test tubes. Three are labelled as Fe3O2, PbO2, and MnO2. The fourth is unlabeled and a beaker of colored liquid is being poured into it. Caption: To make the production of oxygen more visible,

    Presents three key concepts about chemical reactions and energy changes: exothermic and endothermic reactions, reaction rates involving temperature and concentration, and catalysts. Each concept is illustrated with a variety of experiments and computer animation to illuminate what is happening both visibly and at the molecular level.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Thermometer in a beaker of boiling yellow fluid. Caption: But margarine boils at 120 degrees Celsius.

    Anything that takes up space or has mass is matter. Under certain conditions matter can be a solid, liquid, gas or plasma. Different states of matter can be combined in suspensions, and solutions and mixtures can be taken apart. Exploring the physical and chemical properties of matter provides insight into nature and a glimpse at how scientists and engineers use this knowledge to shape our world.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • River with forested banks. Caption: in that it can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas.

    What are the differences between solids, liquids, and gases? In this program, students will investigate real-life examples of the various phases of matter. Colorful animations illustrate how these states differ based on the movement of particles. Other topics covered include plasma, crystalline and amorphous solids, viscosity, freezing, vaporization, evaporation, and condensation.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Plastic tube containing clear, pebble-like objects is attached to a larger tube. Caption: The gas is filling up a constant volume.

    Chemistry is the science of interacting particles and the various states of matter. Developing a better understanding of the atomic model through experiments with gases, scientists discovered the Ideal Gas Law, developed phase diagrams, and learned about the properties of supercritical fluids. Today's chemists are exploring new ways to control the interactions of atoms, with the goal of making better hydrogen-powered cars and new technologies for the long-term, underground storage of carbon dioxide to reduce greenhouse warming. Part of the series Chemistry: Challenges And Solutions.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Cartoon of a superhero flying above Earth. Spanish captions.

    Sherlock Olmos decides to dig deeper into dark corner of this great house to investigate the suspicious behavior of some chemical elements. The exchange of electrons and the characteristics of hydrogen, fluorine gas, and the noble gases are the primary subjects of his investigation. Part of Chemistry: Solved by Sherlock Olmos Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Periodic table of elements. Caption: In the case of the groups with lithium and fluoride,

    Sherlock Olmos uses his famous detective skills to solve his mysterious case of how the periodic table is structured. With a touch of humor, he investigates electrons, valences, and the physical and chemical properties of some of the elements. Part of Chemistry: Solved by Sherlock Olmos Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustration of an atom that has three full rings of electrons with unattached electrons floating around it. Spanish captions.

    Sherlock Olmos uses his famous detective skills to solve his mysterious case of how the periodic table is structured. With a touch of humor, he investigates electrons, valences, and the physical and chemical properties of some of the elements. Part of Chemistry: Solved by Sherlock Olmos Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person in a lab setting filling a container from a faucet. Caption: A calorimeter is simply anything used to measure heat.

    The study of thermodynamics can lead to predicting how chemical reactions will proceed or how much energy is required or released during the reactions. To better understand chemical reactions, a new thermodynamic value called “enthalpy” is introduced. Students will examine the practical applications of bond enthalpies, calorimetry, and other measurements of the energy in chemical reactions. They will also see how the understanding of thermodynamics and enthalpy is helping scientists optimize the use of crop waste for biofuels and build more efficient automobile engines. Part of Chemistry: Challenges and Solutions Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Cartoon of two people in lab coast, one holding a beaker with blue liquid. Caption: the beginning of modern science,

    Since the beginning of time, humans have used chemical reactions without understanding them. For example, ancient Greek artisans were able to smelt metal, dye fabrics, and make glass. The attempt to transform simple metal into gold and silver was known as alchemy (the forerunner of chemistry as we know it today). By mixing elements, alchemists created chemical reactions which produced new compounds. While alchemists were never able to transform anything into gold or silver, their trails helped shape the science of chemistry. Part of Chemistry: Solved by Sherlock Olmos Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Cluster of molecules. Caption: are added together to get the mass number.

    Part of the "Chemistry in Action" series. Numerous real-life examples of elements are exemplified in the table. Animations and graphics illustrate concepts not easily achieved through other instructional strategies. Specific patterns in the periodic table are highlighted. Introduces the following terminology: atomic structure, atomic number, atomic mass, periods, and families.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Sparks flying out of a small container. Caption: to form aluminum oxide, leaving iron metal behind.

    Science lab experiments demonstrate what happens visibly and at a molecular level with the Group 1 highly reactive metals and the Group 17 highly reactive halogens from the periodic table. Experiments also illustrate the range of reactivity among metals. Video has three 5-minute segments for convenience.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Geometric illustration of atoms. Caption: So here we've drawn in all the atoms.

    Molecules form when individual atoms create bonds by sharing electrons. Understanding how atoms combine to make molecules allows scientists to predict many of the physical and chemical properties of substances. Since the outermost eight electrons are key to forming compounds, this unit shows how the Octet Rule provides a basis for predicting how atoms may gain, lose, or share electrons to fill the slots in their outer shells. A fundamental understanding of how electrons form bonds leads to the three-dimensional shapes of molecules and has implications in all aspects of chemistry. Part of the series Chemistry: Challenges And Solutions.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Water Molecule

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    In the first image, an oxygen atom is shown with six valence electrons. Four of these valence electrons form pairs at the top and right sides of the valence shell. The other two electrons are alone on the bottom and left sides. A hydrogen atom sits next to each the lone electron of the oxygen. Each hydrogen has only one valence electron. An arrow indicates that a reaction takes place. After the reaction, in the second image, each unpaired electron in the oxygen joins an electron from one of the hydrogen atoms so that the valence rings are now connected together. The bond that forms between oxygen and hydrogen can also be represented by a dash.

    Figure 2.9 (OpenStax, Biology 2e) caption: Two or more atoms may bond with each other to form a molecule. When two hydrogens and an oxygen share electrons via covalent bonds it forms a water molecule.

    (Source: OpenStax)

  • Illustration of an atom showing the nucleus and orbiting electrons. Caption: has a maximum number of electrons it can hold.

    It's called a theory, but if we have never seen an atom, how did anyone ever come up with an idea that is so central to science. Shows how all the pieces of the puzzle have come together at the same time, explaining the structure of the atom and the periodic table.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Two glasses with colored liquid in them. One glass has a person holding a cylindrical electronic device in the liquid. Caption: and check the parts per million of solutes.

    Solutions are uniform mixtures of molecules in which any of the phases of matter can be dissolved in another phase. Whether solids, liquids, or gases, solution chemistry is important because most chemical reactions, whether in the laboratory or in nature, take place in solutions. In particular, solutions with water as the solvent are the core of all biology. Extending the particle model of matter to solutions enables chemists to predict what will happen to a deep-sea diver who breathes different mixtures of gases or to the life forms in the ocean as carbon dioxide levels rise in the atmosphere. Part of Chemistry: Challenges and Solutions Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Pile of dark substance with eyes on the ground next to a bus stop. Caption: what's left of you, you're about 2/3 carbon.

    The scientific explanation of global warming rests in the understand of the element carbon. Carbon is the central element of life, and its atomic structure enables it to hold onto other elements. This characteristic provides the relationship between carbon and global warming. Segment of video from Wild Chronicles Series.

    (Source: DCMP)