Moko: The Sea Of Ice

Image of a layer of ice above liquid water. Caption: This is called sea ice.

Moko is an explorer. As he travels the world continent by continent, he makes many friends and discovers many natural phenomena which sometimes delight him, and other times scare him. Each animated episode recounts an adventure and takes an "original story" approach to explaining these natural phenomena. In this episode, on that morning, Moko decides it is time to leave this place and continue on his quest for the end of the world. Alarick offers him his boat and Moko takes off. Nightfalls and daylight seems to never return. As he advances on the waves of the dark ocean, his boat gets stuck in the sea ice. Moko thinks that this country is refusing to let him leave. He pleads for daylight to return and for the ice to melt by playing the flute Alarick gave him. The ice melts, his boat is freed and he carries on his voyage as the sun rises ahead of him. Moko discovers a new land in the horizon.

(Source: DCMP)


geology, physics

Files 1

  • Moko: The Sea Of Ice

    English Captions - Auditory, English Audio Descriptions - Visual, Spanish Captions - Auditory, Spanish Audio Descriptions - Visual
    English, Spanish
    DCMP Membership
    New Dimension Media/Questar
    5 minutes