Moko: Marine Currents Mystery

Illustration of water with an arrow indicating a current moving through the water parallel to the surface. Caption: There are two types of marine currents.

Moko is an explorer. As he travels the world continent by continent, he makes many friends and discovers many natural phenomena which sometimes delight him, and other times scare him. Each animated episode recounts an adventure and takes an "original story" approach to explaining these natural phenomena. In this episode, on this morning, Moko is rowing relentlessly to bring back the barge as Mei-Lei sleeps. Suddenly the current shirts, he can't seem to make the oar move at all. He wakes Mei-Lei so she can help him row, but it is no use, the barge starts moving in the opposite direction. In the distance they notice a fisherman and try to call out to him, but he is too far and cannot hear them. Beyond a huge boulder they see a forest and start rowing furiously in its direction. Finally ashore, Moko and Mei-Lei think that the sea still had another secret in store for them, this new part of Mei-Lei's island.

(Source: DCMP)


oceanography, physics

Files 1

  • Moko: Marine Currents Mystery

    English Captions - Auditory, English Audio Descriptions - Visual, Spanish Captions - Auditory, Spanish Audio Descriptions - Visual
    English, Spanish
    DCMP Membership
    New Dimension Media/Questar
    5 minutes