Massive Blood Loss

Part of the "Gunther's ER" series. As Dr. Gunther von Hagens makes clear, a shortage of blood can mean that insufficient oxygen is reaching the major organs, usually resulting in shock and organ failure. Opens with a graphic bleeding demonstration, re-creating injury to blood vessels in the hand of a cadaver. Also examines the consequences of blood loss in the body's vital organs by creating knife wounds in the torso of a frozen body, then sawing it into slices to reveal the path of the blades and the shocking extent of the damage. Also explores a lesser well-known cause of blood loss-fractured bones-which von Hagens illustrates in an experiment in which a femur dissected from a fresh cadaver is made to bleed as it would in life. NOTE: Viewer discretion is advised. Contains clinically explicit language and nudity.
(Source: DCMP)
- Subject:
- Life Sciences - Science
- Keywords:
- biology, circulatory system, physiology
Files 1
Massive Blood Loss
- Type:
- Video
- Format:
- Streaming
- Accommodations:
- English Captions - Auditory, English Audio Descriptions - Visual
- Languages:
- English
- License:
- DCMP Membership
- Author:
- Films Media Group
- Length:
- 52 minutes
Collections 1
This resource is part of one or more collections.
Biology -
Text Document
2.5D Tactile Graphic
3D Model
Audio File
Biology related concepts
A collection containing 59 resources, curated by Benetech