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Showing resources 41 to 51 of 51

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  • A dog approaching a sheep. Caption: TO SEE IF PEPPER HAS BECOME A PART OF THE HERD.

    Newlyweds Cheyne and Danielle love their little farmyard family, which includes a sheep and four chickens. However, they are ready to bring a dog into the mix and have called in Dr. Lisa to help roundup some options. But will she be able to find a dog that can fit in with all of the other animals? Part of the "Rescue Me With Dr. Lisa" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • An old white dog. Caption: THE FACT THAT HE'S NINE DOESN'T BOTHER ME AT ALL.

    Kylie loves living in her city apartment and is ready to find a furry roommate to share it with. Will Dr. Lisa be able to find a dog that fits in Kylie's small living space, and will Kylie be able to care for a dog with her demanding job? Part of the "Rescue Me With Dr. Lisa" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person handling tubes of materials stacked in metal shelves. Caption: We study endangered plants and how to conserve them.

    What is a botanist? The researchers in the A to Z Career Lab investigate the roles and responsibilities of botanists, and they report their findings to inquisitive students. Part of the "I Can Be Anything I Want to Be A to Z" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • River with forests banks and a sun setting in the sky. Caption: but they could work with the rivers,

    What is a hydrologist? The researchers in the A to Z Career Lab investigate the roles and responsibilities of hydrologists, and they report their findings to inquisitive students. Part of the "I Can Be Anything I Want to Be A to Z" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Airplanes on the tarmac with activity around them. Caption: and it's a fast-paced environment.

    How does one become a jet engine mechanic? The researchers in the A to Z Career Lab investigate the roles and responsibilities of jet engine mechanics, and they report their findings to inquisitive students. Part of the "I Can Be Anything I Want to Be A to Z" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A swiftly moving river. Caption: more demand for water, greater impacts,

    Part of the "Green Careers" series. Presents an overview of job opportunities in water management, such as flood control, reservoir management, levee design and repair, designing and operating dams and sewer systems, river management and restoration, monitoring fish populations, protecting habitats and endangered species, maintaining natural resources, water conservation, irrigation, landscape design, and more. Jobs profiled include the following: civil engineer, water resource manager, water conservation specialist, and landscaper.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person holding the paw of a dog with a toenail exposed in one hand and a pair of nail clippers in the other. Caption: until you start to visualize a little black dot or quick

    Offers commonsense tips and step-by-step demonstrations on dog care as an alternative to high veterinary bills. Highlights include: toenail maintenance; treating infections and cuts; eye, teeth, and ear care; dry and itchy skin; and dietary considerations. NOTE: Demonstrates how to empty anal glands.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Large black bird perched on a rock. Ravens are believed to pair with a mate for their entire lives. Caption: They're really neat and really intelligent birds.

    For Dr. Oakley, no two days are the same. She is the only all-species vet for hundreds of square miles, and she sees some interesting cases. With patients like alpaca, reindeer, and moose, it's easy to see why being a wilderness vet is no walk in the park. Part of the "Wilderness Vet" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • X-ray of a bird's legs and feet. Caption: can actually see where it's remodeled nicely.

    While Dr. Oakley's family prepares for a birthday surprise, she tends to a sick yak and a pack of sled dogs. She also oversees the care of two orphaned eaglets. Part of the "Wilderness Vet" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Shaggy oxen with round horns in an enclosure. Caption: separate the bull from the rest of the herd.

    Teamwork is the key when veterinarian Michelle Oakley works with colleagues to help an injured owl, examine a rowdy musk ox, and fight to save two emergency patients. Part of the "Wilderness Vet" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Young feline in the wild. Caption: They're so cute and furry.

    When it comes to animals, Dr. Oakley will do anything to protect their offspring. She receives calls to help care for a soon-to-be caribou mother and a litter of lynx kittens. Her mission is to make sure the next generation of wildlife grows up safe and healthy. Part of the "Wilderness Vet" series.

    (Source: DCMP)