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  • Person walking on a treadmill with sensors attached to their legs. Caption: (narrator) What if you could alleviate pain by changing your stride?

    With support from the National Science Foundation’s Human-Centered Computing Program (HCC), Stanford University mechanical engineer Mark Cutkosky and his team are using volunteer test subjects to find out if the way walk is wearing out their knees. One of the major problems at the root of knee pain is uneven wear and tear on the knee cartilage, which leads to arthritis. Cutkosky’s research, known as Movement Retraining, focuses on alleviating pain by analyzing and possibly changing a person's stride. The goal is to slow the rate at which arthritis progresses and thereby delay or even eliminate the need for surgery. Part of the National Science Foundation Series “Science Nation.”

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Drawing of a human torso and head with a cross section of the chest removed to show the human heart and lungs. Caption: It has been seen as the site of our emotions,

    The heart is the most symbolic organ of the human body. Across history, it has been seen as the source of emotions and the center of human existence. However, by the seventeenth century, scientific understanding overturned historical ideas, and the heart was recognized merely as a mechanical pump. More recently, Professor David Paterson from the University of Oxford has been doing extensive research that challenges this view. He has discovered that the heart has millions of specialized neurons just like those that are in the brain. Neurons are the cells that give humans the ability to think. So what does their presence in the heart mean?

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Gas saturation scale showing CO2 and O2 percentage of saturation. Indicator is outside of normal range on the CO2 side. Caption: The CO2 reading is going off the scale.

    Climb aboard the Cyclops, a microscopic research vessel, and investigate an amazing hidden world on which all living things depend. The Cyclops houses a team of scientists known as the Micronauts and guides them through their discoveries of biological classification, diversity, and ecology. In this episode, the Cyclops crashes into the bottom of the pond and discovers an ooze populated by bacteria. After gathering some, the Micronauts begin to investigate the chemical method the bacteria uses to decompose organic material. In the end, the bacterial also helps the crew escape the bottom of the pond so they can continue to explore. Part 5 of the Microscopic Monsters Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person sitting in front of a computer screen. Caption: are able to solve the puzzle after a night's rest.

    Anna has built a successful business from the ground up, and upon retirement, she leaves the company to her employees, not to her son. What does that decision tell us about Anna's psychology and about the development of the human brain over a lifetime? Explores the emotional and neurological elements of learning, explaining how the brain processes and stores experiences and prepares for future decision-making. Employing real-to-life dramatizations, Anna's journey from innocent teenager to philosophical retiree--and the changes that take place in her cortex, hippocampus, and neural synapses as she faces and overcomes challenges--are all depicted. In addition, several influential brain experiments from the past decade are described.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Streaks of light from silver to light brown in an irregular pattern. Caption: One gene plays an important role for the hormone vasopressin.

    At the twilight of an active life, Anna is now bedridden due to a serious fall. What makes the elderly--even those who are in full possession of their mental and physical faculties--more prone to falling than younger people? As this program demonstrates, the answer lies not in the body or the brain alone, but in their interconnection. Exploring Anna's past dreams of becoming a ballerina, the film shows how complex physical motion, such as dancing or even typing, requires sophisticated coordination between the body's neural, muscular, and skeletal systems. How aging affects such coordination and how new artificial limb technology enables movement are running themes in the program.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Microscopic view of a green organism with long, tubular arms coming off a central body. Illustration of a ship next to it. Caption: Around these creatures are single-celled organisms.

    Climb aboard the Cyclops, a microscopic research vessel, and investigate an amazing hidden world on which all living things depend. The Cyclops houses a team of scientists known as the Micronauts and guides them through their discoveries of biological classification, diversity, and ecology. While navigating the dense aquatic weed forest of the pond, the Cyclops is pulled off course by a hydra. After escaping its tentacles, the crew begins to study how the hydra reproduces, captures its food, and digests its prey. One of the Micronauts takes a journey inside the hydra’s digestive system to get a first-hand account of the digestive process. Part 4 of the Microscopic Monsters Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A teenager wearing a beanie with skull and crossbones and a hoodie with a skull, sitting at a desk and writing on a piece of paper. Caption: he couldn't read or write.

    Takes viewers to an inner city high school where students had serious discipline and learning problems. More than half of the eighth and ninth grade students here were diagnosed with ADHD, and many worked at fourth grade level. The teacher, Allison Cameron, discovered the groundbreaking research by the Harvard Professor of Psychiatry, John J. Ratey, M.D. (author of "Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain"), showing a link between sustained aerobic activity and the brain's ability to grow new cells. Allison also learned that Napierville High School in the Chicago area, which began exercise programs 18 years ago, has one of the best academic records in the U.S.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Danger Virus

    • Video
    People in full biohazard contamination suits working in a science lab. Caption: "why some people survive the infection -

    Draws on documentary and archival footage, 3-D and 2-D animations, and high-tech imaging to investigate a variety of virological topics: the nature of pandemics as illustrated by the SARS outbreak in China; genetic sequencing of Spanish influenza from exhumed tissue of a century-old corpse; how animal viruses jump the species barrier; the dissection of live viruses in a biosafety level-4 lab; the work of an Ebola research team in Gabon; the discovery of mimivirus; applications of Onyx-015, a genetically engineered adenovirus; and more. Features Vincent A. Fischetti of The Rockefeller University, Jeffery Taubenberger of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Y. Guan of The University of Hong Kong, Didier Raoult of the French National Center for Scientific Research, and other leading virus specialists.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person with a fabric cap strapped to their head. The cap has metal rivets and wires attached. Captions: (female) it feels maybe like a mild itchy or tingling sensation.

    Teachers often say to students, “Put your thinking caps on,” and one day, students might just do that for real. Vanderbilt University psychologist Geoffrey Woodman says that’s because scientists are being equipped with more and more tools they can use to better understand the brain, and now, they can even eavesdrop on individual neurons. Initial support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) allowed Woodman and his team at the Vanderbilt University Visual Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory to study memory and perception. Then, the researchers tested their theory that electrical stimulation of the medial frontal cortex can boost learning and improve decision-making. Part of the National Science Foundation Series “Science Nation.”

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Magic school bus floating in the air while talking to a child in bed. Caption: And to do that they will go straight to the troubled zone--

    The Magic School Bus is an award winning animated children’s television series based on the book series of the same title by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen. It is notable for its use of celebrity talent and being both highly entertaining and educational. Ralphie's upset when his mom tells him he's too sick to go to school because he was supposed to host a FNN (Frizzle News Network) TV broadcast on health that day. Not one to leave a student behind, Ms. Frizzle takes the class on a trip inside Ralphie's body to figure out what's ailing him. However, once inside, Ralphie's white blood cells see the bus as a threat and start to attack.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person speaking. An x-ray is displayed on a screen behind them and a human skeleton hangs next to them. Caption: it's vitally important

    Part of the "Gunther's ER" series. Beyond the immediate risks to a patient's life, doctors must also identify other bodily damage. Dr. Gunther von Hagens examines the kinds of injuries that can lead to permanent disability if not quickly addressed. Dissecting a female body donor who died after falling from a window, von Hagens locates fractures throughout her skeleton, explains how bones break, and bends a human spine to discover how much force it can withstand before snapping. Also investigates the causes and consequences of brain damage. Recreating head injury to the exposed brain of another cadaver, von Hagens illustrates how the rigid, closely fitting skull can actually damage the brain it is meant to protect. NOTE: Viewer discretion is advised. Contains clinically explicit language and nudity.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Magic school bus floating in a cavern lined with red, finger-like structures. Caption: (Wanda) And those things out there are the villi.

    The Magic School Bus is an award winning animated children’s television series based on the book series of the same title by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen. It is notable for its use of celebrity talent and being both highly entertaining and educational. It's the night of the rock lovers' annual Granite Awards, and Arnold is about to become the first kid ever to win the coveted Rocky Award. He's so excited; all he's been able to eat for weeks are "Seaweedies.” When he arrives for the big event, he’s nervous and orange. Once the class determines that the orange isn't on Arnold's skin, they shrink down to explore what's underneath. They discover that his whole body is made of living cells, and they're all orange.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person speaking. Caption: In that other 1%, the bleeding can be very persistent.

    Part of the "Gunther's ER" series. As Dr. Gunther von Hagens makes clear, a shortage of blood can mean that insufficient oxygen is reaching the major organs, usually resulting in shock and organ failure. Opens with a graphic bleeding demonstration, re-creating injury to blood vessels in the hand of a cadaver. Also examines the consequences of blood loss in the body's vital organs by creating knife wounds in the torso of a frozen body, then sawing it into slices to reveal the path of the blades and the shocking extent of the damage. Also explores a lesser well-known cause of blood loss-fractured bones-which von Hagens illustrates in an experiment in which a femur dissected from a fresh cadaver is made to bleed as it would in life. NOTE: Viewer discretion is advised. Contains clinically explicit language and nudity.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person in a lab setting with a mostly clear object in their hands. Scissors, wires with leads, and tweezers are on the counter next to them. Caption: We're trying to make a smart Band-Aid

    Some bandages are embedded with medicine to treat wounds, but researchers at Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital have something much more sophisticated in mind for the future of chronic wound care. With support from the National Science Foundation, engineer Ali Khademhosseini and a multidisciplinary team are bringing together advances in sensors, biomaterials, tissue engineering, microsystems technology, and microelectronics to create “smart bandages” for wounds that require ongoing care. The devices, known collectively as flexible bioelectronics, will do much more than deliver medicine. They will be able to monitor all the vital signs of the healing process and make adjustments when needed, as well as communicate the information to health professionals who are off-site.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Young woman's face in the foreground, older woman's face in the background. Caption: Most people lose weight after the age of 75:

    Anna was born with a sweet tooth, and as a young woman, she created a successful business using it. Her delicious jams and jellies gave pleasure to many, but did they also cause harm? Explores the way the human body processes food and how its long-term growth and development are shaped by eating habits. Illustrating cellular aging and its relationship to AGEs, or advanced glycation end products, a connection is drawn between the bacteria an infant must consume to build a healthy immune system and the bacteria that consume the body at death. As Anna's life draws to a close, viewers will understand that "dust to dust" is a cycle in which humans take an active part--every time they sit down to a meal.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Head and shoulders of a person. Caption: by replicating that injury in a real human body.

    Part of the "Gunther's ER" series. The human brain suffers irreversible damage if deprived of oxygen for even a few minutes-a fact Dr. Gunther von Hagens demonstrates by utilizing human cadavers as examples. Simulating an artery injury to illustrate oxygen depletion through blood loss, von Hagens then focuses on problems affecting the trachea, the top priority for ER doctors. In order to show the major structures of the airway and how they can be blocked by foreign objects, von Hagens inserts an endoscope into his own throat and saws a frozen body's throat in half, revealing the major structures of the airway and their potential weaknesses. Red Cross first-aid expert Emma Rand explains simple techniques for clearing the airway, while emergency medicine consultant Dr. John Heyworth shows how paramedics treat complex trachea damage. NOTE: Viewer discretion is advised. Contains clinically explicit language and nudity.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Cartoon of a person looking at a diagram of the cardiovascular system of a human. Caption: Ah. Those are my lungs -- first stop on the air express.

    The Magic School Bus is an award winning animated children’s television series based on the book series of the same title by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen. It is notable for its use of celebrity talent and being both highly entertaining and educational. At this year's Teacherathalon, Ms. Frizzle squares off with Mr. Sinew, a muscle-bound gym teacher. Sinew easily wins the first of the three events. Thinking there's a problem, the kids go inside Ms. Frizzle to check her out. The bus takes them through her lungs to the bloodstream, where they get pumped through her heart to her calf muscle. But when Frizzle's leg muscle collapses from the strain of winning the second event, the kids discover that her red blood cells can't get oxygen to her muscles fast enough. Can the kids help Frizzle recover in time to win the final race?

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Tongue

    • Image
    • Text Document
    Image consists of a two separate images. Image on the left is a sketch of a tongue labelling the Foliate papillae, Circumvallate papillae, Fungiform papillae and Filiform papillae. Right side image shows a closeup view of the tongue with a centimeter representing approximately 100um.

    Tongue taste areas The tongue is a muscular organ in the mouth of most vertebrates that manipulates food for mastication, and is used in the act of swallowing. It is of importance in the digestive system and is the primary organ of taste in the gustatory system. The tongue's upper surface (dorsum) is covered in taste buds housed in numerous lingual papillae. It is sensitive and kept moist by saliva, and is richly supplied with nerves and blood vessels. The tongue also serves as a natural means of cleaning the teeth. A major function of the tongue is the enabling of speech in humans and vocalization in other animals. The human tongue is divided into two parts, an oral part at the front and a pharyngeal part at the back. The left and right sides are also separated along most of its length by a vertical section of fibrous tissue (the lingual septum) that results in a groove, the median sulcus on the tongue's surface. There are two groups of muscles of the tongue. The four intrinsic muscles alter the shape of the tongue and are not attached to bone. The four paired extrinsic muscles change the position of the tongue and are anchored to bone. Do you have good taste? In this video segment, Dr. Linda Bartoshuk explores the sense of taste in humans - why we have it, and what happens when we lose it. Learn why the sense of smell is also important to our experience of food. Footage from NOVA: "Mystery of the Senses: Taste".

    (Source: OpenStax)



Showing collections 1 to 4 of 4

  • Anatomy

    • Video
    • Image
    • PDF
    • Text Document
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic

    Collection of anatomy resources

    A collection containing 21 resources, curated by Benetech

  • Animals

    • Video

    Resources to teach younger students about animals

    A collection containing 58 resources, curated by DIAGRAM Center

  • Vision

    • Image
    • Text Document
    • PDF
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic
    • Video

    Resources related to vision

    A collection containing 12 resources, curated by Charles LaPierre

  • Biology

    • Video
    • Image
    • Text Document
    • PDF
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic
    • 3D Model
    • Audio File

    Biology related concepts

    A collection containing 59 resources, curated by Benetech