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  • People working in an open area with debris covered ground and cattle grazing in the debris. Caption: Basic amenities like energy are scarce.

    Access to affordable, sustainable energy supplies is a growing concern around the world. Looks at successful enterprises that are providing some renewable energy solutions. In Scotland, small-scale turbines put wind power within the reach of domestic users. In Sweden, the world's first train to be run solely on biogas has been developed. In Nepal, biogas stoves are improving the quality of life in many ways. And in India, agricultural-plant waste is being turned into solid fuel briquettes for use in industrial stoves and boilers, while a solar-energy company has developed environmentally friendly lighting technology that disadvantaged communities can afford.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Hillside covered in solar panels. Caption: collecting the sun's energy

    Arizona gets plenty of sunlight, and researchers there are working hard to turn that energy into electricity. At Arizona State University, graduate student Brad Brennan makes and tests new materials that will allow industry to build smaller, cheaper, flexible photovoltaic solar cells that can go almost anywhere.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Closeup of a solar panel. Caption: and so "photovoltaic" combines light and electricity.

    Can people in remote rural areas who are far from electric generating plants get power for their lights and appliances? Solar cells make it possible. Mechanical and electrical engineers at the US Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories take viewers through the process of designing and installing solar cell panels in remote locations.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustration of 10 buildings with 9 of the buildings having a recycling symbol on them. Caption: 90% of the households are participating.

    A few years ago, the city of Seattle faced an overwhelming garbage crisis. City planners and engineers describe how they created a recycling program that has become a model for the nation. Shows from beginning to end how the recycling process gets done.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Newer model SUV. Caption: you need the conventional engine to drive the power train,

    Using only gasoline to power cars back in 1905 was cheaper and easier, so the hybrid car was forgotten-until recently. The modern hybrid car has two distinct power sources working together to make it run: gas and electric power. Since the fuel widely used now is a non-renewable resource and becoming increasingly less affordable, the hybrid car is making a comeback. The benefit of the hybrid is that instead of running on gas, it uses non-polluting electric power when possible. Also, it helps cut pollution and saves drivers money at the gas pump.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Metal shipping containers on the deck of a cargo ship. Caption: The ship's metal is more dense than water,

    The technology that keeps huge cargo ships afloat is amazingly simple. A student in Naval Construction and Engineering at MIT explains just how simple it really is. Part of the "Science Out Loud" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Bookshelf filled with old books. Caption: was the start of our journey towards mass communication,

    Communication between people and cultures initially stemmed from trade and commerce. With Guttenberg's invention of the printing press, information was available to people beyond the elite and wealthy for the first time. Trade drew explorers out into the oceans, and mapmakers outlined their treacherous journeys. These basic maps are what led Columbus to believe he could reach the East by sailing west. Instead he found America, and established trade routes between America and Europe.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Modern airplane about to land. Caption: As velocity decreases, lift decreases.

    Second in the series of three productions designed to let students learn by doing, guiding them through the science and history behind the Wright Brothers' invention of powered flight. This second component contains segments that provide science background (Four Forces of Flight, Newton's Laws, and others) to help students understand aviation concepts. Additional segments show the teacher how to conduct activities (building models or demonstrations) and acquire materials to be used in these activities.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustration of a bird and a first-generation plane with ribbed wings. Caption: They become focused on flight.

    First in the series of three productions designed to let students learn by doing, guiding them through the science and history behind the Wright Brothers' invention of powered flight. This first component contains six ten-minute segments that explore (1) humankind's historical preoccupation with the idea of flight and the life and times of the Wright Brothers; (2) the science concepts of control, lift, and propulsion; and (3) evolution of the science of flight since the Wright Brothers.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person holding a simple model airplane made of thin wood. Caption: So if I only have 5 or 6 grams of thrust here,

    Third in the series of three productions designed to let students learn by doing, guiding them through the science and history behind the Wright Brothers' invention of powered flight. This third component contains the same "how to" segments from the second in the series (13692) and parts of the history and scientific concepts from the first in the series (13691). However, it also provides greater ease and flexibility in locating, reviewing, and pausing in and between segments than the other two productions in the series. Good for sharing with students to aid them as they build and experiment with kites, gliders, and rubber-band-powered planes.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Poultry

    • Video
    Person holding a bright light over rows of chicken eggs. Caption: Then they are passed over lights and inspected.

    One of the fifteen parts of the "Farm to Market" series. Follows the process of how eggs go through the rigorous cleaning and inspection from the henhouse, and how the eggs finally arrive in supermarkets. Visits several different poultry farms, including a turkey farm and ostrich farm to see how birds are raised.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Cartoon character standing next to a model with a runway and air traffic control tower. Caption: I created this little model airport

    Marvie loves watching the planes land at airports, and she made a diorama of one for her friends Justine, the ladybug. She used a cardboard box, paint, and backyard treasures to create her diorama. Part of the "Marvie" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person speaking. Baskets of tomatoes in the background. Nigel Walker - Organic farmer. Caption: There's a lot of skill involved in growing these tomatoes.

    Nourish is an educational initiative designed to open a meaningful conversation about food and sustainability, particularly in schools and communities. In this clip, farmer Nigel Walker discusses the skills needed to be a productive worker in the agricultural fields. Part of the Nourish Short Films Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Two people walking next to rows of industrial tanks with piping and gauges. Caption: planning the scale-up of a new product.

    Anita Kalathil shows some of the latest chemistry projects taking place at Proctor & Gamble and what her typical day is like inside and outside the lab. Find out what it’s like to be a chemical engineer.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person wearing a hard hat kneeling next to a metal fence working on something. Caption: (male narrator) Tamar's area of specialty is water engineering,

    Environmental scientist Tamar Losleben explains how environmental engineers research and plan the best ways to use resources to satisfy both human and environmental needs.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Cardboard pieces cut and attached together to resemble robotic arms attempting to pick up rocks. Caption: Let's see if these robotic arms can pick up some space rocks.

    Robotic arms are cool, useful, and fun to make. In this video from "Design Squad Nation," students design and build controllable mechanical arms and use their "robo" arms to lift objects and play a series of games. As they build their mechanical arms, the students use the engineering design process, apply a variety of science concepts, and learn how NASA uses robotic arms in many of its missions. Part of the "Design Squad Nation" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person looking at a computer screen. Caption: We're looking at a 3D model of an early VacPac

    Nate Ball uses science to develop mechanical devices that help improve life. Some of his designs push technology to its limits, like his portable, refrigerated vaccine backpack.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person holding a phone with a photo displayed on the screen. Spanish captions.

    Under Prospecta Colombia 2012, an event organized by the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, issues were raised and discussed related to the growth and development of cities. Nerdo Cavernas talks with the most prominent speakers present at this important event.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Graphic of the globe suspended above flags from multiple countries with an ethernet cable in front. Spanish captions.

    The rapid population growth in large urban centers of the world has made it necessary to look for alternatives to development in order to make cities suitable for living. PROSPECTA, an international event, aims to promote ideas of change by thinking about society's future, starting with proper planning and development.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Black and white photo of a bird with wings extended, perched on a branch. University of Montana Flight Laboratory. Caption: the mechanics of their wing and leg movements.

    Biologist Ken Dial has documented in extraordinary detail how birds are put together and the mechanics of how they take to the air. With support from the National Science Foundation, Dial and his team at the University of Montana Flight Lab use x-rays and high speed video to better understand the mechanics of bird flight. Dial’s more than 2,000 flight hours as a pilot in a wide range of aircraft adds another dimension to his research. Perhaps, by mimicking what birds have learned over millions of years, aircraft wings could change shape to accommodate both slow and fast flight, or a helicopter propeller’s shape might be altered to be more efficient.

    (Source: DCMP)