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  • Person looking at a computer screen. Caption: We're looking at a 3D model of an early VacPac

    Nate Ball uses science to develop mechanical devices that help improve life. Some of his designs push technology to its limits, like his portable, refrigerated vaccine backpack.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Bookshelf filled with old books. Caption: was the start of our journey towards mass communication,

    Communication between people and cultures initially stemmed from trade and commerce. With Guttenberg's invention of the printing press, information was available to people beyond the elite and wealthy for the first time. Trade drew explorers out into the oceans, and mapmakers outlined their treacherous journeys. These basic maps are what led Columbus to believe he could reach the East by sailing west. Instead he found America, and established trade routes between America and Europe.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Cardboard pieces cut and attached together to resemble robotic arms attempting to pick up rocks. Caption: Let's see if these robotic arms can pick up some space rocks.

    Robotic arms are cool, useful, and fun to make. In this video from "Design Squad Nation," students design and build controllable mechanical arms and use their "robo" arms to lift objects and play a series of games. As they build their mechanical arms, the students use the engineering design process, apply a variety of science concepts, and learn how NASA uses robotic arms in many of its missions. Part of the "Design Squad Nation" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Newer model SUV. Caption: you need the conventional engine to drive the power train,

    Using only gasoline to power cars back in 1905 was cheaper and easier, so the hybrid car was forgotten-until recently. The modern hybrid car has two distinct power sources working together to make it run: gas and electric power. Since the fuel widely used now is a non-renewable resource and becoming increasingly less affordable, the hybrid car is making a comeback. The benefit of the hybrid is that instead of running on gas, it uses non-polluting electric power when possible. Also, it helps cut pollution and saves drivers money at the gas pump.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person working on a robotic leg that is wearing a shoe. Caption: This is a battery that powers everything.

    A shark attack survivor now knows what it feels like to be part bionic man. 23-year-old amputee Craig Hutto has volunteered to help test a state-of-the-art prosthetic leg with powered knee and ankle joints. With support from the National Science Foundation and continued support from the National Institutes of Health, Vanderbilt University mechanical engineer Michael Goldfarb has spent several years developing the leg, which operates with special sensors, an electric motor, a battery, and computer technology. Sensors monitor the user's motion and microprocessors figure out what the person is trying to do. Goldfarb says the powered leg reduces the lag time between a real leg and a prosthetic one. Hutto confirms that the powered prosthetic is much better at anticipating his next move.

    (Source: DCMP)