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  • Vegetables

    • Video
    Closeup of dried bean pods still on the plant. Caption: Beans grow inside pods that come in various shapes, sizes,

    One of the fifteen parts of the "Farm to Market" series. A vegetable can be the stem, leaf, root, or even the flower of a plant. Documents the growth, maturation, and harvest of several kinds of vegetables, highlighting their similarities and differences. Follows along as these foods are packaged for market.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Waffles topped with sliced bananas and blackberries. Caption: Or mix fruit in with your waffles or pancakes.

    Fruits and vegetables are filled with a host of health-promoting benefits, but often times individuals fall short on their daily servings. Join food and health professionals as they discuss the power and health benefits of fruits and vegetables.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Pie chart showing 5%. Various vegetables and the figure 234,000. Spanish captions.

    How does organic farming differ from other methods? A team explores soil conditions, water availability, climate, and different techniques.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Moss hanging from tree branches. Spanish captions.

    Students explore the diversity of plants and the important characteristics they have in common. The importance of plants in everyday life is stressed. Terminology includes oxygen, fruits, vegetables, seeds, and spores.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A conveyor belt moves rows of light colored, flat, and round objects at a high speed. Caption: but a lot of support goes into making a good product,

    Meet a food scientist who overcame his fear of chemistry, and now conducts experiments with vegetables. Part of the "Career Connections" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person speaking. Caption: there were over 100 varieties of tomatoes.

    Nourish is an educational initiative designed to open a meaningful conversation about food and sustainability, particularly in schools and communities. In this clip, chef Bryant Terry discusses the necessity to reclaim varieties of vegetables and fruits that have been lost. Part of the Nourish Short Films Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Plant sprouting from the ground. Caption: They sprout in less than a week.

    The garden changes every day and requires hours of work. Plants have to be taken care of so they produce healthy fruits and vegetables. Gardeners perform many activities every day and know the best ways to sow plants. Part of the "Four Seasons in the Garden" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A cartoon character with arms spread wide. Caption: The brown bear is the largest omnivore!

    Part of the animated "Johan, the Young Scientist" series. Johan wonders why Kitty the cat doesn't like to eat vegetables. Professor Hoo tells them that some animals are herbivores, some are carnivores, and some are omnivores. He then sends the young scientists on an adventure to find the largest omnivore on land.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Flowers

    • Video
    Closeup of a sunflower. Caption: A large sunflower head might produce 1,000 seeds.

    One of the fifteen parts of the "Farm to Market" series. Just like fruit and vegetables, flowers are raised commercially on farms. Shows how flowers, such as roses, orchids, anthuriums, and carnations, are raised outdoors and in greenhouses. Also visits a wholesale flower market to see where merchants go to buy flowers for their stores.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person holding an object near a compass. The arrow on the compass points towards the object. Spanish captions.

    How can you tell the difference between a fruit and a vegetable? Students learn their similarities and differences. What is the relationship between a magnet and compass? Scientists explain how a compass works. Part of the House of Science Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Container labelled CaO with a white powdery substance next to a dish with a granular light brown substance. A person is about to scoop out some CaO. Caption: and also sulfur and oxygen.

    Experiments illustrate the presence and properties of: 1) saccharides (glucose and starch) in fruits and vegetables; 2) lipids (fats) in nuts and vegetable oils; and 3) proteins in eggs, meat, and milk. Emphasizes that chemistry is all around us.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustration of a military person pointing to a chart with pictures of bananas, apples, and leafy greens. Caption: Choose foods that provide more potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, and vitamin D--

    This program provides an overview of the different types of foods. It also gives guidance on healthy eating. Students learn the difference between refined grain and whole grain. They also discuss the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, how the body turns proteins into amino acids to build muscle and tissue, and the need to avoid processed foods. Part of the "Human Nutrition" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Stacks of man-made box hives with bees swarming them. Caption: Now, they prepare to unload their shipments of livestock--

    Details the anatomy of the honeybee. Also details the roles of drones, worker bees, the queen, and the mystery of the honeybees' dance. Follows the Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) problem to a variety of laboratories, investigating the pathology of bee diseases that are wiping out entire colonies and affecting our food supply. Concludes with the discovery that a viral infection is the most likely cause of CCD but warns that bees are subject to many other stresses that can upset the ecological balance and wipe out our supplies of fruits and vegetables.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Two young girls looking at plants. Caption: teaching students hydroponic farming

    These city kids from Boston may not look like conventional farmers, but they’re spending part of their summer getting their hands dirty. They’re learning how to build solar-powered hydroponic systems that grow organic vegetables without soil. With support from the National Science Foundation, Boston College educator Mike Barnett and his team developed the Urban Hydrofarmers Project to engage students in math and science through hydroponic farming and green energy technology. And, because the teens sell what they grow at farmers’ markets, the students get to experience green entrepreneurship. Barnett and his team have also partnered with the STEM Garden Institute to bring hydroponic farming into classrooms throughout the U.S. Part of the National Science Foundation Series “Science Nation.”

    (Source: DCMP)