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  • Large blue planet with a darker blue spot. Caption: Neptune is so remote,

    In 1977, Voyagers I and II left Earth for deep space exploration and a close-up view of the edges of our solar system. Reveals how the space shuttles used the gravitational fields from surrounding planets to slingshot themselves through the outer planets. Voyager II's graphics and real pictures of Neptune and Uranus help explain their features, axis, rings and moons, and magnetic fields. Also notes some peculiar facts about each.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Close up view of Neptune in space. Caption: What happened to Neptune's great dark spot?

    New discoveries regarding the Outer Planets are creating a fundamental rethinking of our solar system. Uranus is a toxic combination of hydrogen, helium and methane. Scientists speculate that the planet was knocked on its side after colliding with another body. Neptune's largest moon, Triton, is cold and barren, but some scientists speculate that liquid water might exist under Triton's icy surface. Cold and inhospitable, Pluto completes one orbit around the solar system every 248 years. Cutting-edge computer graphics are used to bring the universe down to earth to show what life would be like on other planets, and to imagine what kind of life forms might evolve in alien atmospheres.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • An illustration of a planet.

    Hubble has studied all of the planets in the solar system except Mercury. Some of Hubble's notable accomplishments include observations of the climate of Venus, dust storms on Mars, the impact of a comet on Jupiter, the rings of Saturn and Uranus, Neptune's immense storms, and dwarf planets such as Pluto, Ceres, and Eris.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Diagram of our solar system with Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus identified. Spanish captions.

    Gabriela, Manuel and Leonardo are three friends who accidentally start a rocket that takes them to space. Their journey through space takes them to different planets and strange worlds. Throughout their journey, they have the help of Maqui, an on-board computer. Maqui helps them learn about the universe. After an emergency landing, the kids arrive at a planet with rings. While visiting, they help the king reconstruct an ice ring around his planet. In this adventure, Gaby, Manuel and Leo learn how rings form around planets.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A planet with different colored bands on the surface and rings outside the atmosphere. Caption: The atmosphere is mainly made up of hydrogen and helium,

    Students explore the outer planets of the solar system. Vivid, colorful images transmitted by exploratory spacecraft serve as the basis of this video tour of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Often referred to as the "gas giants," the unique features of these large and distant planets are described. Jupiter's Giant Red Spot, Saturn's colorful rings, and the fierce storms of Neptune are highlights of the program. Important terminology includes: sun, rotation, revolution, orbit, ellipse, gravity, inertia, telescope, Hubble telescope, exploratory spacecraft, asteroid belt, meteoroid, and comet.

    (Source: DCMP)