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  • A piece of coral with a hole in it, a spiral shell with a point, and a sponge. Caption: There are different tools for different "porpoises."

    In Australia, scientists have found dolphins using tools to find food. The bottlenose dolphin has been observed covering their beaks with basket sponges as they forage for food. The sponge helps them uncover fish hiding in the sandy sea bottom and protects their snouts from scrapes and stings. Part of the "News of the Day" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A device strapped on a man's hand. Caption: That device strapped to his arm is a sweat biosensor.

    With support from the National Science Foundation, device engineer Jason Heikenfeld of the University of Cincinnati and a multidisciplinary team are developing new technologies to take sweat biosensors to the next level. Their wearable patches allow tiny amounts of sweat to be captured and analyzed quickly and accurately with strong correlation to blood data. The researchers envision a day when data from continuous sweat monitoring will be an essential tool in health care, like blood tests. Part of the "Science Nation" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person at a computer looking at a projection of a wire frame human face on a screen. Caption: how robots interact with humans,

    Northwestern University Mechanical Engineering professor Todd Murphey and his team are engineering robots to mimic humans. With support from the National Science Foundation, the team is using algorithms to enhance a robot’s ability to adapt to human behaviors. Part of the "Science Nation" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Collection of sharp tools made from stone. Caption: Stone-tool technology designed to create sharp edges.

    Though tool use is not unique to humans, their sophistication and degree of reliance upon them is unique, and sets humans apart from other species. So when did human tool-making begin, and why? And what does the use of tools reveal about the evolution of human ancestors? Paleoanthropologist Tim White reveals the answers in this short video.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Tool emitting bright light cutting circles into wood. Caption: (narrator) Tools, including this laser cutter and wood router,

    With help from the National Science Foundation, physicists at MIT have created 35 “Fab Labs.” They can bring relatively sophisticated design and manufacturing capability to people around the world with four simply tools. At last count, they were in use on three different continents, helping to create everything from critical infrastructure to simple art work.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Thin tubular object protruding from a machine casing descends perpendicular to a piece of wood laying horizontally below it. Caption: That's right; he's using a power tool called a drill.

    Everyday people do work, and most of the time they use tools to help them. First, students gain an understanding of work. Next they explore the relationship between work and energy. Common examples of tools used to make work easier are highlighted. Concepts and terminology discussed include: work, energy, machine, simple machine, wedge, wheel and axle, and lever.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Large pinecone being measured with a ruler. Spanish captions.

    Students will learn how to measure length and distance using common tools. Concepts and terminology include metric ruler, meter, centimeter, and kilometer.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Four people with various tools working on railroad tracks. Spanish captions.

    A donkey is born blue, and his owner hates him. The owner decides to paint the donkey grey. From the Kool Books series narrated by Hector Bonilla.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Microscope and slide. Caption: Scientists use many tools

    Uses practical examples to help students understand and use the components of the scientific method. Concepts and terminology: hypothesis, experiment, measuring, data, analysis, and conclusion.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Hand holding a small shiny piece of metal being measured with a ruler. Caption: Next, we investigated the process of measuring

    Demonstrates how to observe and record scientific observations. Concepts and terminology: observation, data, recording, data table, tools, safety, measuring, and graphs.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Lab Tour!

    • Video
    Alex Dainis stands in the aisle of her lab with her arms wide open. Caption: Here's the lab.

    In this episode, host Alex Dainis takes viewers on a tour of her lab. She points out important equipment and tools and explains their purpose in the conducting scientific experiments.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • People with videography equipment. Spanish captions.

    Hundreds of tools exist for the production of audiovisual products and when properly used excellent quality and beauty is delivered through image and sound. The host, Nerdo Cavernas, talks with experts and takes viewers into the world of audiovisuals.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Computer screen displaying a grid-like diagram mapping connections between multiple points. Caption: and then we can apply loading to this structure,

    Follow a structural engineer through a busy day of working with sophisticated design tools. He is tasked with creating safe, long-lasting structures. Part of the "Career Connections" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Two brick magnets being pushed together. Spanish captions.

    Magnets are unusual and fun tools that serve many useful purposes. Students learn the characteristics and behavior of magnets. Special emphasis is given to electromagnets and the importance of magnets in generating electricity. Concepts and terminology include bar magnet, pole, magnetism, magnetic field, repel, attract, and compass.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Green liquid pouring into a measuring glass. Spanish captions.

    Students explore the relationship between observations and measuring things in science. Specific ways of measuring length, mass, volume, and temperature are demonstrated using tools common to the classroom. Other terminology includes unit of measurement, meter stick, metric ruler, balance, graduated cylinder, and thermometer.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Two people with tools in their hands in a desert-like setting, digging in a mound of earth. Caption: Searching for these 112 to 98 million-year-old remains,

    In this episode, host Emily Graslie highlights the suckermouth armored catfish, dinosaur fossils, and a group of parasitic ants. Part of the "Natural News From The Field Museum" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Sea Otters

    • Video
    Sea otter swimming on its back. Caption: because of their specialized diet and fur --

    Sea otters, the ultimate surf bum, are the crucial element for kelp forests and their diverse ecology. Reviews the history of otters on the Pacific coast and their near extermination. Describes the otters' habitat, physical characteristics, behaviors, diet, and use of "tools." This member of the weasel family has the lushest fur in the world.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Slit screen of a person in a virtual reality suit and the computer representation of her body. Caption: It actually recognizes my skeleton based on these different markers.

    NASA aerospace engineer Victoria Garcia describes how she uses virtual-reality tools to design living and work spaces for astronauts. She also talks about not allowing deafness to be a barrier in her life. Part of the "Design Squad Nation" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Gloved hands placing insulation in between ceiling beams. Caption: and easier to manipulate in the attic.

    Professional remodeler Danny Lipford offers practical home improvement information to homeowners. Discusses products and ideas for saving money on energy bills: caulking, expandable foam sealant, weather stripping, thresholds, insulated socket sealers, attic and window insulation, water heater blankets, and compact fluorescent light bulbs. Looks at using a flexible wheelbarrow screen for sifting rocks from soil. Talks about Dremel cordless tools. Gives reasons why homeowners should use mulch.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person laying on the ground with tools and buckets spread around them. No Trespassing sign. Caption: The paleontologists in the field uncover an exciting find.

    Explains how scientists learn about dinosaurs. Paleontologists use detective techniques to uncover fossils. They deduce how dinosaurs lived, what they ate, how they moved, and how they cared for their families. Visit a dig and learn how fossils are preserved for study. Watch a skeleton be reconstructed. Leslie Nielson hosts this live-action/animated presentation.

    (Source: DCMP)