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376 resources and 4 collections matched your query.


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Showing resources 361 to 376 of 376

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  • Glowing orb of the sun emitting a pulse of light. Caption: and washes out across the solar system.

    Sunspots have fascinated sky gazers through the ages. Now state-of-the art telescopes combined with the muscle of a supercomputer called “Bluefire” are allowing scientists to accurately model these mysterious structures, and unlock their secrets. Michael Knoelker and Matthias Rempel are solar scientists working at the High Altitude Observatory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, known as NCAR, in Boulder, Colorado. With support from the National Science Foundation, their study of sunspots is critical to the understanding of how stars, like the sun, produce magnetic fields which is still one of the big unanswered questions in stellar astrophysics.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Split image of mechanical clasps and pinchers stitching an incision and human hands manipulating mechanical controls. Caption: a surgeon can perform complex and delicate procedures

    Almost fifty years ago the first industrial robot was "employed" in an automobile assembly plant. Robots are regularly used for hazardous, super-heavy and difficult tasks in manufacturing, agriculture, entertainment, medicine, and space exploration. Welding robots with touch sensing and seam tracking abilities increase assembly plant efficiency, while robotic surgery results in less pain, quicker recovery and shorter hospital stays. NASAs robotic rovers Spirit and Opportunity are mapping the terrain and searching for evidence of water on Mars. Honda Motor Company's humanoid robot, ASIMO, can walk, run, recognize people and identify sounds and voices.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A channel of water blanketed by green spaces cuts its way through a big city. Spanish captions.

    Each year the goal of Outlook Colombia is to create an academic meeting which focuses on developing participants into proactive, critical and reflexive individuals in regards to the future of cities and societies. This event is carried out annually by the School of Administrative, Accounting, Economical and Business Sciences of “Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia” (UNAD).

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Out of focus image of a spherical object surrounded in glowing light. Caption: Then, as scientists explored the nucleus,

    Explores how studying the atom forced us to rethink the nature of reality itself, encounters ideas that seem like they're from science fiction but in fact are a central part of modern science, and discovers there might be parallel universes in which different versions of us exist and finds out that empty space isn't empty at all, but seething with activity. The world we think we know, the solid, reassuring world of our senses, turns out to be a tiny sliver of an infinitely weirder and more wonderful universe than we had ever conceived of in our wildest fantasies.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • White glowing orb against a black grid. Caption: Weakly Interacting Massive Particle

    Dark matter is a scientific mystery. But physicists like Dan McKinsey theorize it must exist because without it, the universe would look quite different. With support from the National Science Foundation, McKinsey and a team of scientists from across the U.S. and Europe are hard at work on the Large Underground Xenon, or LUX, experiment. Nearly a mile straight down an old mine shaft at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota, the team searches for the existence of one possible type of dark matter called weakly interacting massive particles, or WIMPs. Part of the National Science Foundation Series “Science Nation.”

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A battery gauge has 14 blocks, where 7 blocks are full. The grades of the battery gauge reads, from top to bottom, as follows. Gamma rays, X rays, U V, visible rays, and infrared. An arrow points from visible light to infrared.

    If the sun instantly switched off like a light bulb, it would take almost 8 and a half minutes before humans on Earth realized what happened. Light travels at the fastest speed there is, but it still takes almost 500 seconds to get to Earth. This means the sunlight that reaches Earth is old. How is that possible? It is due to the concept of random walks. Part of the “It’s Okay to Be Smart” series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Painting of a densely populated city with waterways running between sections of the city. Caption: Throughout the '20s and '30s, Rivera painted murals

    Throughout U.S. history, Hispanics have contributed and achieved in building the West, in medicine and science, in entertainment, journalism, business, education, civil rights, politics, in sports, and more. Highlights Judy Baca bringing the Hispanic muralist movement to the United States, Roberto Clemente as the first Hispanic elected into baseball's Hall of Fame, Hispanic golfer Nancy Lopez winning her first LPGA Championship, Walter Alvarez proposing dinosaur extinction caused by asteroid impact, Franklin Chang-Diaz as the first Hispanic American in space, Dr. Antonia Novello as the first Hispanic surgeon general, and Linda Alvarado winning the Horatio Alger Award.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Two small seedlings with their roots in the soil. Caption: optimally suited to survive and thrive.

    At first, the back room of plant physiologist Edgar Spalding's lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison might be mistaken for an alien space ship set straight out of a Hollywood movie. It's a room bathed in low-red light with camera lenses pointing at strange looking entities encased in Petri dishes. A closer inspection reveals the Petri dishes contain nothing alien at all, but rather very down-to-earth corn seedlings. They're grown in red light for optimal growth. They're just one of the plants featured in thousands of time-lapse movies Spalding has created over the past five years. The goal is to figure out how to grow crops optimally.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Bolt of lightning arcing from cloud to ground. Caption: we all want up-to-the-minute information.

    A new generation of smaller, highly capable radar systems in the Dallas/Fort Worth area is able to track with more accuracy the location of tornadoes and other severe weather conditions. These new systems are spaced much closer together than current radar sensors, and the closer proximity is part of the reason the new systems can catch a tornado that could be missed by current radar. Part of the National Science Foundation Series “Science Nation.”

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Earth as seen from space with the Sun visible behind it. Caption: (male narrator) All across the planet,

    Host award-winning geoscientist, Richard Alley provides an eye-opening look at some of the world's most important case studies in smart energy. Alley travels to Spain and Morocco where large-scale solar farms and individual photovoltaic panels atop tents in the Sahara are beginning to bring the vast potential of the sun down to Earth. In Brazil, abundant natural resources are transformed into efficient, sustainable biofuel, making Brazil the only nation whose cars could keep running if all gasoline were to vanish. In Denmark, and West Texas, citizens have taken sustainability into their own hands by becoming stakeholders in wind turbines. And in China, he explores multiple sustainable energy technologies, including exclusive footage from GreenGen, the world's most advanced low-carbon emissions power generation plant. Part One Earth: The Operators’ Manual.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Two people standing next to a large telescope with MEADE on the side. One person looks in the eye piece. Caption: they look way out to the Kuiper Belt,

    With support from the National Science Foundation, astronomers Marc Buie and John Keller are involving citizen scientists from throughout the western United States to participate in the Research and Education Cooperative Occultation Network (RECON). The project has provided telescope equipment and training to 14 small western U.S. communities north and south of Reno, Nevada, where night skies are clear and dark. When RECON students look out at the night sky, they look way out to the Kuiper Belt, a ring of icy debris that litters the Solar System out beyond Neptune. The network is looking to determine the sizes of Kuiper Belt objects as they pass in front of distant stars. Part of the National Science Foundation Series “Science Nation.”

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Large sphere of glowing light dwarfs object labelled as Earth's orbit around sun. Caption: larger than Earth's orbit around the Sun,

    Gravity rules the life cycle of stars. During the Red Giant dying stage in the life of an average size star, its outer layers are blown off in vast clouds of dust and gas called "nebulae" that contain hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Gravity crushes the remaining atoms into a remnant core called a white dwarf. The gravity of giant stars-10 to 20 times larger than average-will, at the end of their life in a supernova explosion, crush together even mutually repulsive protons and electrons, leaving a remnant rotating core of neutrons (i.e., a pulsar). Also explains how stars 20 to 100 times average size collapse into a core so dense that its gravity doesn't even allow light to escape (i.e., a black hole).

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Closely spaced plants growing toward the water's surface. Caption: They grow in dense groupings, much like a forest on land.

    Kelp forests can be seen along much of the West Coast of North America. NOAA scientists study kelp forests by visiting the same locations over and over to assess the presence and abundance of a variety of organisms. Monitoring allows marine scientists to determine if the kelp forest is changing over time and to identify the cause of those changes, whether natural or human. Healthy kelp forests maintain the existence of thousands of plants, animals, and fish stocks. All of these require a thriving ocean ecosystem.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustration of earth against space. Earth has a line through the north and south pole, but the line is not vertical. It is tilted. Caption: But it doesn't spin completely straight; it is slightly tilted.

    Moko is an explorer. As he travels the world continent by continent, he makes many friends and discovers many natural phenomena which sometimes delight him, and other times scare him. Each animated episode recounts an adventure and takes an "original story" approach to explaining these natural phenomena. In this episode, Alarick's country is very strange. It has been many days now that night has not fallen, and no one seems to be worried. Moko decides to head towards the horizon to see what is keeping the sun from setting and Alarick goes with him. Along the way, Moko tries to lull the sun to sleep with a lullaby from his country. The sun looks like it will set, but stops short and rises again. Perhaps the ocean is frozen at the horizon and is keeping the sun from setting. He decides to ask the fishermen and one of them responds that the world is filled with such mysteries and that it is more precious for him to learn the secrets of his friend than that of the sun.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A man sitting inside a machine. Caption: I'm an experimental aerodynamicist by training.

    Fly into this high-tech career and learn about satellites, airplanes, and maybe even flying cars of the future. Aerospace engineering is the primary field of engineering concerned with the development of aircraft and spacecraft. Part of the "I Can Be Anything I Want to Be A to Z" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A giant stationary hollow wheel constructed of metal spokes. A person climbs up an access ladder to the center of the wheel. Caption: According to Aldo, the wheel must therefore run forever.

    What would you think of powering a car using a water fuel cell, a home furnace powered by permanent magnets, or a self-driven electromagnetic engine with enough power to put a spacecraft into orbit? This is all energy that humans wouldn't have to pay for and that wouldn't pollute the earth. Not only would free energy change the world, but it would end human dependence on having to use so much of the world's fossil fuels.

    (Source: DCMP)



Showing collections 1 to 4 of 4

  • PhET Simulations

    • Simulation

    A collection of simulations from PhET.

    A collection containing 15 resources, curated by Charles LaPierre

  • Animals

    • Video

    Resources to teach younger students about animals

    A collection containing 58 resources, curated by DIAGRAM Center

  • Biology

    • Video
    • Image
    • Text Document
    • PDF
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic
    • 3D Model
    • Audio File

    Biology related concepts

    A collection containing 59 resources, curated by Benetech

  • Chemistry

    • Video
    • Image
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic
    • PDF
    • Text Document
    • Simulation

    A collection of Chemistry related resources

    A collection containing 67 resources, curated by Benetech