118 resources and 1 collection matched your query.
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The gray seal population in the Northeast has risen due to protection policies enacted by the federal government. Due to the population increase, conservation biologists are conducting experiments by placing tracking devices on the seals. They are analyzing their diving history, travel patterns, and foraging habits.
(Source: DCMP)
The mesophotic zone exists between brightly lit shallow waters and the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean. It is the furthest that sunlight can penetrate the ocean. Only recently, with advancements in diving techniques and new technology, have scientists been able to study it in-depth.
What great discovery is yet to be made from coral reef habitats? Some researchers believe they may hold the key to new developments in medicine. Part of the "Coral Comeback" series.
In this series, explorers travel the diverse and natural sanctuaries of the Gulf of California. Each episode highlights the fauna and flora of this region. Some of the locations visited include Revillagigedo Islands, the Espíritu Santo (Holy Spirit) National Park, and Cape Pulmo. Part of the "Inside the Sea" series.
A collaborative effort between the Murphy family, Trout Unlimited, the Gallatin Valley Land Trust, and the state of Montana established a sustainable solution for competing water interests. Their efforts lead to the restoration of Fridley Creek and also demonstrates the connections between land, water, fish, and humans.
Sea cucumbers scavenge tiny pieces of food on the ocean floor, and they come in all different sizes. Some species are as small as coins, and others can grow to the size of a person. However, this weird animal does not have a brain. Part of the "Weird Animal" series.
Sea star wasting syndrome is the largest marine disease event ever seen. Microbiologist Ian Hewson shares what inspires him to study oceanic ecosystems, and how scientists from Cornell University are solving this ecological mystery.
Explains the characteristics of plankton and its two types: phytoplankton and zooplankton. Animation shows where plankton flourish and what they need to reproduce. Notes the importance of sunlight, the thermocline, and moderate temperatures for plankton to "bloom." Stresses that without plankton, sea life would vanish.
It’s a fight for survival in Hawaii as rescuers work tirelessly to help the endangered monk seal population to recover. Then, a great blue heron is in grave danger after a soda can becomes stuck around its beak. Part of the Sea Rescue series.
The ocean is full of various species of sharks and rays. In this episode, host Emily Graslie takes a look at some of the more unique examples of these fish. Part of "The Brain Scoop" series.
Host Trace Dominguez discusses the current trends in the number of hurricanes and their strength. He examines weather data collected since 1880 coupled with new models created by NASA. According to the data and weather models, hurricanes are becoming more intense.
The climate of the ocean may not be as harsh as once thought. Maritime archaeologists are discovering well-preserved ship wrecks. These sites are providing information about cultures, technologies, and histories of past civilizations. Part of the "Adventures of a Maritime Archaeologist" series.
It was once believed that organic compounds, light, and water were needed to sustain life, but life has been found in complete darkness underwater. National Geographic Explorer Bob Ballard discovered Lost City, an underwater mountain range, and it is teaming with life. Segment of a video from Wild Chronicles Series.
During horseshoe crab spawning season, volunteers are dispatched along the Mid-Atlantic coast to help scientists track their populations. Learn how citizen scientists track the data to help preserve the horseshoe crab. Part of "The Remarkable Horseshoe Crab" series.
In this episode, scientists try to uncover what makes 25 percent of individual corals tolerant of warmer water. Can these "super corals" be strategically planted to help reefs withstand climate change? Part of the "Super Corals" series.
Part of a series that features a wide variety of video footage, photographs, diagrams and colorful, animated graphics and labels. For this particular video, students will focus on the geological causes of a tsunami and their devastating effects on land and people. Part of the Science Video Vocab Series.
Corals have been devastated by the past few years of intense ocean heat. However, coral scientists are getting closer to understanding what makes certain species of coral able to withstand high temperatures. Part of the "Coral Comeback" series.
In this episode, marine biologists take a close look at microscopic images of "super corals." The images reveal a dynamic interaction between colorful algae and the coral they inhabit. Part of the "Super Corals" series.
One of the harshest environments on earth exists at the place where the sea meets the rocky shore. Students will examine the wide variety of animal and plant life that survive these difficult conditions that are caused by pounding waves during the ebb and flow of the tides.
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Resources to teach younger students about animals
A collection containing 58 resources, curated by DIAGRAM Center