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13 resources and 1 collection matched your query.


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Showing resources 1 to 13 of 13

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  • Person sitting in front of a bookcase with books on various scientific subject. Caption: Microbes come in a huge variety of shapes--

    Susan Perkins answers students' questions about microbes. She is a microbiologist at the American Museum of Natural History and curator of the exhibit "The Secret World Inside You." Part of the "Ask a Scientists About" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustration of objects moving from a chamber with disk shaped spiny structures to an empty chamber. Caption: Here, we force bacteria to move electrons

    In Bruce Logan's lab at Penn State University, researchers are working on developing microbial fuel cells (MFC) that can generate electricity while accomplishing wastewater treatment. In a project supported by NSF, they are researching methods to increase power generation from MFCs while at the same time recovering more of the energy as electricity. Through their research projects, Logan’s team has already proven that they can produce electricity from ordinary domestic wastewater.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person walking by a row of medium sized metal vats. Some are open. Caption: Closely associated with the production of bread making

    Microorganisms affect everyone. Some are helpful, while others are harmful. Explores pathogenic microorganisms that can cause diseases like sore throats, influenza, tuberculosis, and HIV; decomposer microorganisms that decay rotting plant and animal matter, returning important nutrients back into the soil; and microorganisms that are also being used in the fuel industry to develop new nonpetroleum based products. Overviews food spoilage microorganisms such as mold that can ruin stored food. Explains other bacteria and yeasts are vital to the production of food and drinks like yogurt and bread, along with beer and wine. Examines where they come from and some examples of positive uses relating to many foods we eat.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Microscopic image showing web-like structures and C shaped tubular organisms. Caption: (narrator) The soil itself is home to a vast number of tiny microbes,

    Since the last ice age, plants in the Alaskan Arctic have been taking carbon out of the atmosphere and locking it away in the soil. But now, the permafrost is starting to thaw. That means all those microbes are about to find themselves at an all-you-can-eat carbon buffet. With support from the National Science Foundation, ecologist Matthew Wallenstein and a team from Colorado State University have come to the Toolik Field Station, deep inside the Arctic Circle, to drill soil cores for study. The researchers are trying to find out more about how microbes in the soil are cycling carbon from the Earth to the atmosphere. Part of the National Science Foundation Series “Science Nation.”

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Blurry microscopic view of an oval shaped object surrounded by green particles. Caption: In nature, these small organisms become links in food chains

    Part of the "Branches on the Tree of Life" series. The bacteria section uses compelling microscopy of living bacteria to examine their structure, physiology, behavior, and the vital roles these microbes play in the biosphere.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Microscopic view of an oval-shaped organism. Caption: But for the microbes that live here,

    Scientists investigate the microbes found in Yellowstone National Park hot springs, geysers, and other pools of water. Micro life is thriving in the extreme environments of the hot springs, and microbiologists believe the diversity of life found at Yellowstone will aid in studying life beyond our planet. Segment of video from Wild Chronicles Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A diagram illustrates a lot of microbes in the blood, high temperature and a human skeleton.

    This short video explores the stages of decomposition of animal bodies and shows how microorganisms found during the decomposition process can provide useful information for criminal investigators. Through forensic experiments, scientists have shown that it may be possible to estimate time of death by sequencing the DNA from the microbes found on and around decomposing bodies. Part of the "I Contain Multitudes" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • People on the deck of a ship, working on various equipment. Caption: probing the oil and gas plumes beneath them.

    Will the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico create dead zones? That’s the concern of University of Georgia marine scientist Samantha Joye. She’s headed to the gulf to investigate how the oil and methane gas discharged by the BP Deepwater Horizon spill is impacting the ocean microbes that live there. With funding from National Science Foundation, she is also looking at how the dispersants used to break up the oil are impacting marine life, including microbes, fish, and shellfish.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A microscopic view shows a number of microbes.

    In 1928, a physician named Alexander Fleming observed that a mold in one of his Petri dishes was killing the bacteria he was trying to grow. This strain of mold led to one of the most significant medical discoveries in history: the antibiotic penicillin. Antibiotics soon became lifesavers. However, even back then, Fleming knew that bacteria could become resistant to penicillin. This video describes how widespread use of antibiotics in medicine, agriculture, and household products can lead to the evolution of microbes that are resistant to multiple antibiotics. Part of the "I Contain Multitudes" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person with their palms scraped and mildly bloody. Caption: The body acts quickly to stop excessive blood loss.

    The immune system has a tough job keeping human bodies free of harmful microbes. Humans come in contact with germs and bacteria every day, and the immune system is challenged to protect the body. Explores how the human body goes to battle against germs in order to keep people healthy and how sometimes the immune system requires assistance.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Computer screen displaying two uneven strands of light. Caption: that thrives where life would seem impossible.

    With support from the National Science Foundation, Astrobiologist Richard Hoover really goes to extremes to find living things that thrive where life would seem to be impossible--from the glaciers of the Alaskan Arctic to the ice sheets of Antarctica. He thinks it is even possible that over the course of billions of years, life has spread around the solar system--a sort of cosmic cross pollination. Microbes could live in the ice deep within comets, frozen there for eons until a collision with another planet or moon delivered them to a new home.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Bacterialand

    • Video
    Narrow rectangular boat floating in pinkish-red water with mounds of salt in the center of the boat. Caption: The salt concentration would kill any fish,

    One day, microbes will eliminate dirt and garbage, filter exhaust systems, and help make self-cleaning clothing possible. Takes viewers on a global journey-from the U.S. to Iceland, Sweden, India, China, Senegal, and Australia-to meet the world's leading specialists in bacteriology and to discover the incredible abilities of the microscopic life-forms they study. Employs state-of-the-art imaging technology and animation to illustrate how bacteria have learned to adapt to harsh environments and how they can be found in a vast array of human-made products and materials, including medicines, pesticides, plastics, solvents, and even electroacoustic speakers.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Cartoon of children in a classroom. One of them holds up a jar with a pickle in it. Caption: Kids of the jury, this is a pickle.

    The Magic School Bus is an award winning animated children’s television series based on the book series of the same title by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen. It is notable for its use of celebrity talent and being both highly entertaining and educational. The class puts Ms. Frizzle on trial for replacing Keesha's prized cucumber with a pickle. Ms. Frizzle tells the class the pickle is the work of the 'Mike Robe' (microbe) Gang. Ms. Frizzle shrinks the class down to the size of microbes so they can figure out exactly what happened to Keesha's cucumber.

    (Source: DCMP)



Showing collections 1 to 1 of 1

  • Biology

    • Video
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    Biology related concepts

    A collection containing 59 resources, curated by Benetech