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249 resources and 4 collections matched your query.


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Showing resources 1 to 20 of 249

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  • Pregnant woman lying in bed with a person leaning over and talking to her. Caption: slowly and deeply breathe in through your nose

    Demonstrates a variety of natural childbirth labor techniques. Covers having labor support from people you trust and creating a comfortable environment for birth. Includes techniques for early labor, active labor/transition, back labor, long labor, and positions for pushing and birth. Concludes with comments by women who have used these techniques. NOTE: Shows actual birth footage.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Green, rolling grasses. Caption: marshes like this one seem fated to shrink.

    The estuary is part of the Plum Island Ecosystems LTER (Long Term Ecological Research). The LTER Network was created by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 1980 to conduct research on ecological issues that can last decades and span huge geographical areas. Biogeochemist Anne Giblin, of the Marine Biological Laboratory, is leading a team of researchers who are studying the Plum Island salt marshes to determine how this 2,000-year-old ecosystem is holding up under climate change, land use changes, and sea-level rise. Part of the National Science Foundation Series “Science Nation.”

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Boat floating on the water. Caption: Light waves and water waves are both transverse.

    Everyday examples and laboratory experiments explain and demonstrate the concept of waves as they relate to physics. Three segments cover the characteristics of transverse and longitudinal waves and the reflection and refraction of waves. Complex physics is made clearer by the lab demonstrations.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Waves

    • Video
    Photo: medium sized boat on a choppy lake with caption "Light waves and waves are both transverse".

    Everyday examples and laboratory experiments explain and demonstrate the concept of waves as they relate to physics. Three segments cover the characteristics of transverse and longitudinal waves and the reflection and refraction of waves. Complex physics is made clearer by the lab demonstrations.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Streak of light across a night sky with a change in height of 15m and a length of 217m. Caption: If we know the distances and the time the shutter was open,

    Two MIT students discuss the relationship between photography and science. They use various methods and instruments to explain how long exposure photography can help measure the speed of an airplane, observe the rotation of the earth, or create light paintings.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Longitudinal waves through three mediums solid, water, and air.

    Longitudinal waves carry energy through air, water, and solids. They compress and expand the medium in the same direction as the energy is transferred.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A sketch of a dinosaur, and a man is seen standing below. Caption: Argentinosaurus, 35 meters approximately equals 114 feet. 70 metric tons approximately equals 154,000 pounds.

    Long necks gave sauropods a huge advantage when it came to food. This benefit also enabled them to become the biggest terrestrial animals of all time. Part of the “Eons” series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A bird's nest in the ground with a baby bird, beak open. Caption: There will be winners and losers each year.

    For nearly 40 years, Dr. Ellen Ketterson and her research team from Indiana University have been studying juncos in the mountain forests of Virginia. This segment introduces viewers to the junco, the researchers, and the core methods they use to study birds. Set in field, lab, and aviary locations, one landmark study is highlighted in detail: a long-term field experiment investigating the complex effects of the hormone testosterone on behavior, physiology, and evolutionary fitness. Part of Ordinary Extraordinary Junco (Chapter 2).

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A woman in a hospital setting in labor with someone next to her supporting her neck. Spanish captions.

    Explore the basic elements of pregnancy, labor, and childbirth in four chapters. Observe Deborah's experience from the beginning to the end of the childbirth process. Learn techniques to alleviate the pain of labor. Includes graphic depictions of childbirth.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Dry, brown grass and brush with crumbling rocks throughout and a flat-topped rocky hill in the background. Caption: punctuated by hills, badlands, and bluffs --

    The geology of the Great Plains is a product of long periods of sedimentary buildup followed by equally long periods of erosion. The result today is a dramatic landscape of bluffs, pinnacles and badlands that contain the rich story, of ancient sea creatures, dinosaurs and long extinct, giant land mammals. The Agate Fossil Beds is a landscape that reflects many influences from early animals roaming the valleys and hills to tribal nations they call the High Plains home. Explorers passing through or settling the American West also have a part in the story.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Lava spewing from a crevasse while smoke and ash rises around it. Caption: how long the ash will linger and when the skies will be clear

    Volcanic ash is known to present hazards to aviation, infrastructure, agriculture, and human and animal health. Airborne ash coats the exteriors of aircraft, enters modern jet engines and melts while coating the interior parts thus causing damage and failure. With support from the National Science Foundation, Volcanologist Dork Sahagian and his colleagues are learning more about the aerodynamic properties of ash, and how long different sizes and shapes stay in the atmosphere. They use a wind tunnel to study how ash travels in the atmosphere during and after volcanic eruptions. They want to develop ways to predict when and for how long damaging ash will fill the skies, and when it’s safe to fly again.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A bird with a long, light colored neck, a dark head, and a long, pointed beak. Caption: are just a few of the many kinds of birds in our world.

    Names the main characteristics of birds, including feathers, beaks, and wings. Notes how birds move, and shows nests and baby birds being fed. Various birds are introduced through song, narration, and examples.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • White bird with long legs and a long neck standing in the water with plants in background. Spanish captions.

    Students learn the fundamental principles of ecology. They distinguish between the different types of living and non-living things found in an ecosystem. Other terminology includes ecology, ecosystem, community, population, habitat, niche, biotic factors, abiotic factors, producer, consumer, decomposer, predator, prey, energy, and food chain.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person conducting an ultrasound on large, pregnant belly. Caption: Inducing for a suspected large baby

    When is it necessary to induce or augment a labor? Answers questions expectant parents may have about these procedures. Explores the advantages, risks, common medical methods, and natural alternatives available for both induction and augmentation. An obstetrician lists questions expectant parents should ask their caregivers. NOTE: Concludes with footage of a vaginal birth.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Close up view of upper body of a large turtle in the grass. Caption: Giants can measure up to 6 feet long and weigh up to 700 pounds.

    How in the world do bats find their way in the dark? How do caterpillars turn into butterflies? How long can tortoises really live? Viewers have questions, and Jack has answers on this episode. Part of the "Jack Hanna's Wild Countdown" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person laying in a hospital bed with an attendant at a machine behind them. Advantage Controlled Medication Levels. Caption: Unique to the epidural

    Explains how epidural anesthesia works and shows step-by-step how it is administered. Covers the possible side effects, benefits, and risks, including ways to reduce the chances of complications. Shows two couples as they make decisions about pain relief during labor and birth. NOTE: Shows an actual epidural procedure and vaginal birth.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person on an operating table with a cloth blocking their view below the shoulders while they are attended to. Caption: Then, these layers of skin and muscle

    Follows a family's unplanned Cesarean birth from early labor through recovery. An obstetrician explains the Cesarean procedure and discusses ways to minimize risk. Shows the surgical procedure using 3-D animation. Presents information on breast-feeding and recovery, and how to make a Cesarean birth a fulfilling experience. NOTE: Concludes with graphic footage of an actual Cesarean surgery.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Young girl walking out of a door. Caption: I'm taking it to the experts-- the post office.

    Modern emails, pagers, faxes, and cell phones! It's all about communication with Timeblazers Sam and Jen, who travel back to test out different communication methods. The message-in-a-bottle tactic proves it could be a long wait before the tide comes in to carry the bottle to sea. It wasn't that long ago that to "log on" meant to throw a log on the fire to send smoke signals. There was the Pony Express and horse-drawn stagecoaches in the 1800s. Then came carrier pigeons, the telegraph, telephones, the Post Office, and overnight delivery.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A sea spider with long, extremely thin legs crawling on the ocean floor. Caption: (male narrator) This creature was found 2300 feet deep in the ocean.

    This creature was found 2,300 feet deep in the ocean. It’s a sea spider, and ones living at this depth can grow quite large, spanning almost 3 feet wide. Their 8 long legs help carry vital organs like their digestive tract. They also have 3 to 4 extra limbs, which they use for cleaning, courtship, and carrying their young. With over 1,300 different species, they are found in every ocean throughout the world. Part of the "Creatures of the Deep" Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Red, black, and white snakes in a tube. People in white lab coats and gloves are in the background. Caption: They can go many places things with arms and legs can't.

    Snakes certainly make it look easy when they slither forward, leaving perfect S-curve tracks behind them, but scientists have long been puzzled by the mechanics of their locomotion. Now, after a series of experiments and some computer modeling, David Hu has cracked the case. With funding from the National Science Foundation, he’s using math to determine how snakes slither and it turns out they move in a much different way than scientists have long thought.

    (Source: DCMP)



Showing collections 1 to 4 of 4

  • Biology

    • Video
    • Image
    • Text Document
    • PDF
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic
    • 3D Model
    • Audio File

    Biology related concepts

    A collection containing 59 resources, curated by Benetech

  • Chemistry

    • Video
    • Image
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic
    • PDF
    • Text Document
    • Simulation

    A collection of Chemistry related resources

    A collection containing 67 resources, curated by Benetech

  • Animals

    • Video

    Resources to teach younger students about animals

    A collection containing 58 resources, curated by DIAGRAM Center

  • Elements

    • Image
    • Text Document
    • 3D Model

    3D models and images of the entire periodic table of elements

    A collection containing 118 resources, curated by Library Lyna