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Showing resources 61 to 80 of 80

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  • Body of water in shades of red, yellow, range, and pink showing heat gradients. Caption: navigating using thermal sensors to locate people in the water,

    Emergency Integrated Lifesaving Lanyard (EMILY) is called into action by lifeguards and emergency response teams around the world for water rescues. With support from the National Science Foundation, roboticist Robin Murphy of Texas A&M University and her colleagues are developing some upgrades to make EMILY and other rescue robots "smarter" for large-scale water rescues, such as a capsized ferry or water taxi. Part of the "Science Nation" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A crowded street covered in fog. Caption: Sometimes it seems so dark on the streets at midday.

    Pollution is waste material produced from human activities. It impacts the environment in a negative way. Explores how pollution can affect the air, water, and land in the form of gases, liquids, and solids. Substances that constitute pollution in the environment include: greenhouse gases (CO2, smog, and industrial emissions), oil, blue/green algae, plastic, litter, dog poop, and fertilizer. Also explores how a sustainable future depends upon individuals and society minimizing pollution by making informed and responsible decisions when choosing consumer items.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • An old car from the 1920's driving next to contemporary cars. Caption: The very first cars were powered by electricity.

    For centuries, land travel was restricted to how fast and far humans or animals could walk. In the 19th century, the invention of the bicycle transferred human energy to a set of wheels. During the Industrial Revolution, the invention of the steam engine led to the railroad, a change in transportation that created the tourist industry. In the early 20th century, the invention of the automobile forever changed how humans travel, and with the assembly line, Henry Ford forever changed how goods are manufactured.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Many people spraying aerosol cans is greater than an industrial plant. Spanish captions.

    Many of our daily activities generate carbon dioxide and contribute to global warming and climatic changes. While carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are necessary for our survival, some research indicates that an increase in their levels may alter the climate. The increased presence of these gases can magnify the natural greenhouse effect of the atmosphere and damage the environment. However, there are steps individuals can take to decrease the impact of global warming and climate change. Chapter 1 of Air: Climate Change Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Green landscape with a hillside in the background. A small industrial installation is present. Caption: They don't know where to get information they can trust.

    In Colorado, drilling for oil and natural gas using hydraulic fracturing, sometimes referred to as fracking, is big business. But questions about its impact on the air and water are far from settled. With support from the National Science Foundation, University of Colorado environmental engineer Joseph Ryan heads a team gathering data on the pros and cons of oil and natural gas development, including the use of hydraulic fracturing. Part of the National Science Foundation Series “Science Nation.”

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person pointing at fabric. Caption: Try these biomedical textiles on for size.

    Engineers are joining forces with designers, scientists, and doctors at Drexel University to produce new biomedical textiles, and the resulting smart clothes are not only fashionably functional, but could also be life savers. With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), electrical and computer engineer Kapil Dandekar, industrial and fashion designer Genevieve Dion, and OB-GYN Owen Montgomery are incorporating RFID technology into their “belly bands” for women with high-risk pregnancies. The band continuously tracks data and alerts the doctor’s office via the Internet should the woman start contractions. Part of the National Science Foundation Series “Science Nation.”

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Six bees. Caption: Is it possible that the animals communicate amongst themselves?

    How can honeybees communicate the locations of new food sources? Austrian biologist, Karl Von Frisch, devised an experiment to find out. By pairing the direction of the sun with the flow of gravity, honeybees are able to explain the distant locations of food by dancing. The scientists at Georgia Tech University explain the design of Von Frisch's famous experiment and describe the precise grammar of the honeybees dance language with new computer vision techniques. They hope the research into behaviors of social insects will aid in the design of better systems of autonomous robots.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Lizard walking in a clear Plexiglas box. Caption: This is a sandfish, and his slithering moves

    In less than a second a sandfish lizard can dig its way into the sand and disappear. The sandfish's slithering moves are inspiring new robotic moves that could one day help search and rescue crews find survivors in piles of rubble left from disasters. With support from the National Science Foundation, physicist Daniel Goldman and his team at Georgia Tech are studying the lizard’s movements, using x-rays to track it underground. Their findings will contribute to engineering designs for deployable robots that could one day help canine search and rescue teams find survivors more quickly.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Bright object streaking across the sky towards another bright object. Caption: of a comet striking the Earth and extinguishing civilization.

    In the conquest of space today, it is robots, not humans, who get the glory. Describes missions that represent the foreseeable future in space exploration: sensor-filled craft and remotely operated devices going where people can't. The program features Deep Impact, a comet-blasting probe; Cassini-Huygens, pioneer of Saturn's moon, Titan; Robonaut, a machine designed to perform human tasks; Ranger, a huge mechanical spider that could conceivably repair the Hubble Space Telescope; the Hubble itself, aging but carrying on; and the planned Webb Space Telescope, Hubble's eventual successor on the vanguard of deep-space science.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person with scarf wrapped over their face, carrying a tool on their shoulder. Caption: (Murphy) I've never seen such hazardous pesticides used

    Consider the following: humans live twice as long as their ancient ancestors did even though their bodies contain different types of synthetic and sometimes toxic substances. This is an unpleasant part of life in the modern age. Explores the health impact, wide variety, and alarming ubiquity of manufactured chemicals. Shows how communities around the world, including Inuit seal hunters, Asian and African farmers, and residents of an industrial town in the United States address the pervasiveness of molecular compounds found in pesticides, plastics, and other products. The benefits of these chemicals are weighed against their dangers.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person in a yellow jumpsuit standing next to a large piece of industrial equipment. Caption: The reactor structures suffer the corrosive effects

    Explains the science behind the workings of a nuclear power station. The basic version explores what fission is; the role of cooling water in nuclear reactors; the nuclear fuel cycle on mining, milling, enrichment, fabrication, and spent fuel on storage and reprocessing; and other uses of nuclear energy, including "non-power" uses. The advanced version expands on this information with a specific example of a fission reaction; the use of water to vary reactor power; different methods of mining uranium; a detailed discussion of enrichment, including structure and properties of uranium hexafluoride; and two methods of enrichment: centrifuging and gas diffusion.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person kneeling on the ground next to a pile of dark material. Caption: which sells fashion items made from recycled garbage.

    Throughout the world, innovative thinkers and entrepreneurs are transforming their communities, making the dream of sustainable living a reality. The United Kingdom's push for sustainable housing developments raises awareness of energy efficiency and promotes eco-friendly home design. Cement alternatives developed in Australia reduce the carbon footprint for concrete production by 60%. Two industrial designers from Colombia are creating fashion items from recycled tires. In the Philippines, the inventor of coconut fiber nets shows how his company helps prevent devastating mudslides in the region and provides employment to locals.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A man speaking. Caption: would be surprised to see how we're treating animals.

    Nourish is an educational initiative designed to open a meaningful conversation about food and sustainability, particularly in schools and communities. In this clip, food experts discuss the treatment of animals in the industrialized food industry. Part of the Nourish Short Films Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • People working in an open area with debris covered ground and cattle grazing in the debris. Caption: Basic amenities like energy are scarce.

    Access to affordable, sustainable energy supplies is a growing concern around the world. Looks at successful enterprises that are providing some renewable energy solutions. In Scotland, small-scale turbines put wind power within the reach of domestic users. In Sweden, the world's first train to be run solely on biogas has been developed. In Nepal, biogas stoves are improving the quality of life in many ways. And in India, agricultural-plant waste is being turned into solid fuel briquettes for use in industrial stoves and boilers, while a solar-energy company has developed environmentally friendly lighting technology that disadvantaged communities can afford.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person with a control box in their hands standing next to a short, wide robot with legs. Caption: (narrator) Palmer sees broad applications for these smart legs:

    One of the major challenges in robotics is designing robots that can move over uneven, loose, or unexpected terrain. With support from the National Science Foundation, computer engineer Luther Palmer and his team at the Biomorphic Robotics Lab at the University of South Florida are designing computer simulation models for the next generation of robotic legs, and then building them in the lab. The team studies the biomechanics of animals adept at running on rough ground to program the algorithms that power their computer simulations. Part of the National Science Foundation Series “Science Nation.”

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Two citizen scientists investigate an industrial site. One person carries a bucket while the other carries a file in the file. Caption: Citizen science, powered by disruptive technologies,

    In this episode, citizens and scientists partner to gather data on many environmental concerns around the world. A group of citizen scientists track air and water pollution at fracking sites in Wyoming and 5 other states. They use simple but science-based techniques developed by the “Bucket Brigade.” Volunteers from Trout Unlimited monitor water quality regularly, generating baseline data that will prove invaluable in the event of future pollution events. Community members connected with professional researchers explore Flint’s drinking water crisis and help other cities test their water quality. In China, citizens use government data and a unique mobile app to report environmental crimes. Part of "The Crowd and the Cloud" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person crouched down by the water's edge washing shoes and other items. Caption: are endangering the lives of millions of people.

    Shows the city of Chongqing on the Yangzte River to be one of the most industrialized and polluted areas in China. Drinking water for the local population is precarious at best. Some 360 million Chinese find themselves in similar circumstances. For those seeking political changes in the world's biggest dictatorship, these protests represent a small ray of light and hope.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Red dirt hillside partially covered by green foliage falling away into a river with the near bank also covered in green foliage. Caption: the rainforests in tropical climate zones

    Describes the accelerating impact human activity has on the atmosphere, water, and land use. Focuses on the continuing influences of industrialization, noting particularly the greenhouse effect, global warming, and potential problems with earth's fresh water supply.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person wearing a shirt that says "staff" bends over a row of plants in a field. Caption: But also we're becoming much more vulnerable

    Nourish is an educational initiative designed to open a meaningful conversation about food and sustainability, particularly in schools and communities. In this clip, healthy food advocate Anna Lappé discusses how industrialization had decreased food diversity. Part of the Nourish Short Films Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Coral with a patch of color and the rest white. Caption: and it can kill multiple species of corals.

    Corals are important ecosystem engineers, providing habitat and nutrient recycling to tropical reefs. However, coral species’ richness and abundance are in decline worldwide, due in large part to the impacts from global industrialization and human population growth. Coral disease is a major contributor to this decline of tropical reefs, and therefore, investigations into the causes of and remedies to these diseases are of critical importance. Part of the National Science Foundation Series “Science Nation.”

    (Source: DCMP)



Showing collections 1 to 1 of 1

  • Elements

    • Image
    • Text Document
    • 3D Model

    3D models and images of the entire periodic table of elements

    A collection containing 118 resources, curated by Library Lyna