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294 resources and 6 collections matched your query.


Library of 3383 accessible STEM media resources.

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Showing resources 21 to 40 of 294

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  • Person with their palms scraped and mildly bloody. Caption: The body acts quickly to stop excessive blood loss.

    The immune system has a tough job keeping human bodies free of harmful microbes. Humans come in contact with germs and bacteria every day, and the immune system is challenged to protect the body. Explores how the human body goes to battle against germs in order to keep people healthy and how sometimes the immune system requires assistance.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Outline of a person with the hypothalamus in their brain highlighted. 98.6 degrees. Caption: The hypothalamus monitors the temperature inside the body

    The endocrine system maintains the body's delicate chemical balance. Describes the location, function, and effects of the major endocrine glands, and notes their close relationship to the nervous system. Some discussion of diabetes and hormonal imbalances.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • People sitting in a cafeteria eating. Sign on the wall says, "Fire Safety" Caption: It helps you live a normal life without having to worry

    The body's best offense against microorganisms is its immune system. But what is it and how does it work? Why does it sometimes work against us? Discusses the non-specific (skin, tears, saliva, mucus, stomach acid) and specific (lymphatic system, spleen, thymus, bone marrow) defenses that keeps us healthy. Describes some autoimmune diseases and various marrow-produced cells.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Diagram of the upper body of a human exposing the skeleton, circulatory system, and lungs. Caption: The breastbone protects the heart and lungs.

    Students learn and explore the major features of the skin, skeletal, and muscular systems. Special attention is given to the care and maintenance of skin, skeletal, and muscular systems. Concepts and terminology include: integumentary system, layers of skin, sweat glands, bone, osteocytes, periosteum, marrow, cartilage, ossification, types of joints, ligaments, types of muscle tissue, and voluntary and involuntary muscle.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Circular cloud with a bright center against space. Caption: To understand comets, we return to the earliest solar system,

    Focuses on comets, those mostly unpredictable, wandering objects in the solar system. Uses time-lapse images while explaining a comet's tail and the meteors, or "falling stars," associated with it. Mentions Halley's and Hale-Bopp comets and international efforts to see these bodies more closely. Contains actual pictures of comets photographed by space probes.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Man peering through large leaves. Caption: and then be moved into the transporting cells,

    Explores the need for many multicellular plants to have specialized internal transport systems, which are systems that can efficiently distribute materials from soil and leaves to the parts of the plants where they are needed. An overview of how plants obtain their nutrients is provided. The structure and function of root hairs is explored, explaining their remarkable ability to facilitate an enormous uptake of water and dissolved minerals for the plant. Following this, the separate transport systems of the xylem and phloem are explored in detail. Also explains the mechanisms by which vascular plants transport water and minerals upward from the roots as well as sugars from leaves and other sugar sources throughout the plant for storage or for growth and repair.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • The planets of our solar system in a line. Caption: We'll begin with Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun.

    Satellite footage, telescopic photos, and animation are used to teach students about the many aspects of the solar system. Viewers are introduced to ancient astronomers, telescopes, observatories, and space exploration. Students will discover facts about planets, orbits, gravity, revolution, and rotation. The program also features discussions of the sun, comets, asteroids, and meteors. Part of the Real World Science series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • An illustration of a galaxy.

    Discover what happens at the outer edges of the solar system where solar wind interacts with interstellar space. The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) is a mission to study the boundary between the solar system and interstellar space. It collects data that shows the global structure and dynamic nature of the heliosphere.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Asteroids moving through space. Caption: It has a large number of irregularly-shaped asteroids.

    Part of a series that features a wide variety of video footage, photographs, diagrams and colorful, animated graphics and labels. Begins with a simple definition of the term and concludes with a critical thinking question. For this particular video, students will focus on the term solar system. Part of the Science Video Vocab Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Gloved hand holding the trachea and lungs from a human body. Caption: branches into two smaller tubes called bronchi,

    Shows the human body systems: lungs, heart, and skeleton. Demonstrates the structures of the lungs, heart, and arteries and veins. Explains exchange of gas in the lungs, ventilation of the lungs, and how the heart works as a pump. Also discusses the role of the skeleton in providing support, protection, and anchorage for muscles, the importance of bone marrow, and the importance of calcium in giving strength to bones.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Aerial view of a large depression in the earth. Caption: In the heart of the Outback, these are the Henbury craters.

    What are asteroids? Where are they? Are they dangerous to us? Explores this space body, its place in the solar system, and its potential threat to life on Earth. Discusses the LINEAR Project, which identifies and maps asteroids. Notes that meteorites are pieces of asteroids, and shows where both have hit Earth.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustration of a human skull with the eyeballs still present. Caption: The human eye is an organ -- an exquisite sensory organ --

    Touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight: the human body's five major senses. They are senses that have evolved independently over millions of years but are brought together by our marvelous central nervous system into the most refined way of interacting with the environment of any species on the planet. Join Dr. Mark Reisman as he provides you with a look at the anatomy and physiology of each of these sensory systems and shows how the brain uses them to produce what we call being human.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Black and white photograph of a spherical object against a black sky. Caption: Mercury is scorched and irradiated

    Examines Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun. Uses photography from the Mariner fly-bys and animation to show the planet's surface features. Describes its characteristics, length of day vs. length of year, its two sunrises, and its orbit. Time-lapse images record Mercury passing across the Sun, an event that occurs only 13 times a century!

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Solar eclipse. Caption: Birds roost, flowers close, and, like heralds, dogs bark.

    A total eclipse of the sun is the greatest spectacle in our solar system. Gives an in-depth explanation as time-lapse images capture the full impact of this event. Begins with a discussion of lunar eclipses before moving on to examine auroras. Explores the causes of auroras, and gives examples of two: the Aurora Borealis and the Aurora Australis.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustration image of a satellite. Caption: Juno is an unmanned deep-space mission

    Tracy Drain is a flight systems engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. As a child she became interested in space, and now she makes sure all the parts and systems in a spacecraft work as expected. She enjoys solving new, complicated problems. Part of the "Design Squad Nation" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Computerized image of a skull. Caption: The axial skeleton consists of the skull,

    Part of a series that features a wide variety of video footage, photographs, diagrams and colorful, animated graphics and labels. For this particular video, students will focus on the functions of the human skeletal system. Part of the Science Video Vocab Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Nine planets orbiting around the sun. Spanish captions.

    Part of a series that features a wide variety of video footage, photographs, diagrams and colorful, animated graphics and labels. Begins with a simple definition of the term and concludes with a critical thinking question. For this particular video, students will focus on the term solar system. Part of the Science Video Vocab Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Glowing star shining light on a planet. Caption: That tells you there may be a planet around that star.

    Astronomers are beginning to locate thousands of planets that exist outside of the solar system. Scientists provide a behind-the-scenes look at the simple technique that astronomers are using to discover these curious new planets. Part of the "Science Out Loud" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Glowing ball of the sun with heat visibly radiating off it. Caption: An inferno spewing energy, heat, and light.

    Our Sun is a nuclear reactor converting hydrogen to helium continuously. X-ray and telescopic images reveal the Sun's photosphere and chromosphere, sun spots, solar flares and winds, and prominences. Describes each and its impact on Earth. Covers some of the Sun's mysteries, and projects what will eventually happen to our closest star.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • MRI cross section of the human brain. Caption: (narrator) Shelton easily distinguishes the two learning types

    What happens in your brain when you get lost or forget something? Johns Hopkins University Neuroscientist Amy Shelton believes she can find the answer. With funding from the National Science Foundation, she’s testing human spatial recognition. Study subjects learn and recall their way around a virtual maze while an MRI scans their brains. By analyzing MRI images of blood flow in the human, Shelton can get a picture of how the brain learns and recalls the spatial world outside the body. By understanding those processes, she believes she can develop techniques that will help improve human memory.

    (Source: DCMP)



Showing collections 1 to 6 of 6

  • Anatomy

    • Video
    • Image
    • PDF
    • Text Document
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic

    Collection of anatomy resources

    A collection containing 21 resources, curated by Benetech

  • Biology

    • Video
    • Image
    • Text Document
    • PDF
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic
    • 3D Model
    • Audio File

    Biology related concepts

    A collection containing 59 resources, curated by Benetech

  • Animals

    • Video

    Resources to teach younger students about animals

    A collection containing 58 resources, curated by DIAGRAM Center

  • Vision

    • Image
    • Text Document
    • PDF
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic
    • Video

    Resources related to vision

    A collection containing 12 resources, curated by Charles LaPierre

  • Chemistry

    • Video
    • Image
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic
    • PDF
    • Text Document
    • Simulation

    A collection of Chemistry related resources

    A collection containing 67 resources, curated by Benetech

  • Elements

    • Image
    • Text Document
    • 3D Model

    3D models and images of the entire periodic table of elements

    A collection containing 118 resources, curated by Library Lyna