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Showing resources 1 to 7 of 7

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  • Person conducting an ultrasound on large, pregnant belly. Caption: Inducing for a suspected large baby

    When is it necessary to induce or augment a labor? Answers questions expectant parents may have about these procedures. Explores the advantages, risks, common medical methods, and natural alternatives available for both induction and augmentation. An obstetrician lists questions expectant parents should ask their caregivers. NOTE: Concludes with footage of a vaginal birth.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person laying in a hospital bed with an attendant at a machine behind them. Advantage Controlled Medication Levels. Caption: Unique to the epidural

    Explains how epidural anesthesia works and shows step-by-step how it is administered. Covers the possible side effects, benefits, and risks, including ways to reduce the chances of complications. Shows two couples as they make decisions about pain relief during labor and birth. NOTE: Shows an actual epidural procedure and vaginal birth.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person on an operating table with a cloth blocking their view below the shoulders while they are attended to. Caption: Then, these layers of skin and muscle

    Follows a family's unplanned Cesarean birth from early labor through recovery. An obstetrician explains the Cesarean procedure and discusses ways to minimize risk. Shows the surgical procedure using 3-D animation. Presents information on breast-feeding and recovery, and how to make a Cesarean birth a fulfilling experience. NOTE: Concludes with graphic footage of an actual Cesarean surgery.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A woman in a hospital setting in labor with someone next to her supporting her neck. Spanish captions.

    Explore the basic elements of pregnancy, labor, and childbirth in four chapters. Observe Deborah's experience from the beginning to the end of the childbirth process. Learn techniques to alleviate the pain of labor. Includes graphic depictions of childbirth.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Adult dressing a newborn baby laying on a hospital bed. Caption: We're going to bring him home with us now.

    Three-year-old Lizzie tells the story of her mom's pregnancy and how she becomes a big sister. This award-winning childbirth video for children explains how a fetus develops, what pregnancy is like for mom, and what happens during birth. Discusses what's fun and what's hard about having a new baby in the house. NOTE: Shows a short sequence of the actual birth.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Pregnant woman lying in bed with a person leaning over and talking to her. Caption: slowly and deeply breathe in through your nose

    Demonstrates a variety of natural childbirth labor techniques. Covers having labor support from people you trust and creating a comfortable environment for birth. Includes techniques for early labor, active labor/transition, back labor, long labor, and positions for pushing and birth. Concludes with comments by women who have used these techniques. NOTE: Shows actual birth footage.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Two cartoon characters with a DNA strand. Homeostasis & Feedback.

    Homeostasis is the tendency of biological systems to maintain relatively constant conditions in the internal environment while continuously interacting with and adjusting to changes originating within or outside the system. In this episode, Pinky and Petunia explore the relationship between homeostasis and feedback loops. Part of "The Amoeba Sisters" series. Please note this title includes a discussion on childbirth.

    (Source: DCMP)