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146 resources and 4 collections matched your query.


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Showing resources 1 to 20 of 146

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  • Detailed photograph of the moon. Caption: In 1959 the Survey compiled a photogeologic map of the moon

    Sunday, July 20th, 2014, marked the 45th anniversary of the day the world stood still and watched astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin land on the surface of the moon. There is no question that the partnership between NASA and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) was crucial to the Apollo program's accomplishments.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Two moles strapped together pulling in opposite directions while a bird in a cage is balancing on their backs. Mass-mass Mole-mass. Caption: to figure out mass, find out how reactants work together,

    Using a balanced chemical equation to calculate amounts of reactants and products is called stoichiometry. It is a super technical-sounding word that simply means using ratios from the balanced equation. Topics covered in this program include the metric system, balancing equations, molar conversions, mass percent, empirical formulas, and limiting reactants. Part of the "Chemistry" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Cube with round objects moving away from it. Sublimation. Caption: It's called sublimation and it's sublime.

    The state of matter is the form taken by matter at a given temperature and pressure. A phase of matter is uniform with respect to its physical and chemical properties. Matter undergoes phase transitions to change from one phase to another. Part of the "Chemistry" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Diagram of an atom with two shells displayed on a screen. Inner shell with two electrons is highlighted. Caption: because they aren't in the outermost shell.

    The formation of molecular bonds is an essential part of keeping matter together. The sharing of charges between atoms helps them become more stable. Other topics covered include sharing electrons, bonding tendencies, isomers, VSEPR theory, and molecular geometry. Part of the "Chemistry" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Calorie: The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one-degree C. Caption: (woman) That's right: calories.

    Thermodynamics deals broadly with the conservation and conversion of various forms of energy. It also describes the relationships between energy and the changes in properties of matter. Other topics covered include Hess's law, the laws of thermodynamics, and the Gibbs free energy. Part of the "Chemistry" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustration of a cat knocking over stacked dominoes that then fall as one hits the next. Caption: A catalyst is a substance that jump-starts a chemical reaction without getting involved in the reaction itself.

    A chemical reaction is a process that leads to the chemical transformation of one set of chemical substances to another. Topics covered include precipitation reactions, oxidation-reduction reactions, kinetics, equilibrium, and nuclear reactions. Part of the "Chemistry" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustration of liquid being poured into a container with H2O. It is labeled NaOH. Caption: Sodium hydroxide is a bade made of sodium and hydroxide

    Solutions are classified as acidic or basic based on their hydrogen ion concentration relative to pure water. An acidic solution has a higher concentration of hydrogen ions, and a basic solution has a lower concentration of hydrogen ions. Other topics covered include chemical reaction basics, properties of acids and based, acid-base reactions, and other mixtures. Part of the "Chemistry" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Black and white picture of a man next to an illustration of a closed container half full of liquid. Henry's law. Caption: See, vapor pressure is created by gas molecules

    A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. It contains a solute and and solvent. Solubility is the maximum quantity of a solute that can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent at a specified temperature. Other topics covered include concentration, Raoult's law, colligative properties, and non-ideal behavior. Part of the "Chemistry" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Cart ascending roller coaster track. Caption: What are the reservoirs for the carbon cycle?

    Earth has many systems and cycles that help regulate the processes needed to sustain life. These systems are susceptible to human impact. Part of the "Earth Science" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Trees, water, mountains, desert, and plain with river. Caption: Biomes are like little kingdoms.

    This segment is all about climate and the role of water and wind. Climate is the statistics of weather over long periods of time. Other topics covered include atmosphere, oceans, and weather. Part of the "Earth Science" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Matter - icons representing solid, liquid, and gas.  Caption: of a solid, a liquid, or a gas,

    This segment answers the questions surrounding the origins of Earth. Scientists use clues from the past to help explain how Earth formed. Other topics covered include matter, minerals, and rocks. Part of the "Earth Science" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Two parallel peaks of rock with a line of magma rising between them. Arrows point to each of the peaks. Divergent boundaries occur on the sea floor. Caption: The magma quickly hardens and forms.

    Do the continents move? In this segment, students learn the relationship between a molten core, plate tectonics, and continental drift. Part of the "Earth Science" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustration of the Earth. Caption: Noon is when the sun is highest in the sky.

    How did the universe form? Where did it come from? Where does Earth fit into the equation? This segment focuses on Earth's place in the universe. Other topics covered include the solar system, gravity, planetary experience, and stars. Part of the "Earth Science" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Layers of red sedimentary rock forming the cliffs to the Grand Canyon. Caption: (woman) Question of the day: How was the Grand Canyon formed?

    In this segment, students learn about the process of weathering. It is the breaking down of rocks, soil, and minerals through contact with the earth's atmosphere, water, and biological organisms. Other topics covered include erosion, surface water, groundwater, wind, and waves. Part of the "Earth Science" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Map of Earth against starry sky with the tectonic plates outlined around the continents. Caption: is covered by ten major tectonic plates,

    Plate tectonics describes the large-scale motion of large and small plates of the earth's lithosphere. As the plates slide past one another, they create friction and heat. The tension caused by the friction of heat is released either through earthquakes or volcanoes. Part of the "Earth Science" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Earth with a thin halo labeled as greenhouse gases. Caption: Greenhouse gases are mostly water vapor and carbon dioxide.

    In this segment, students learn all about different types of energy found on Earth. Solar energy comes from the sun, and geothermal energy is generated and stored in the earth. Students also discuss these forms of energy and how the energy of the earth transfers heat through the convection process. Part of the "Earth Science" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • One central atom with two smaller atoms each attached to an electron on the outer ring of the central atom. Caption: covalently bonded to one oxygen atom,

    Biology is the study of life. It encompasses the cellular basis of living things, the energy that underlies the activities of life, and the genetic basis for inheritance in organisms. Topics covered include the smallest components of living things: atoms, molecules, organelles, and cells. Part of the "Biology" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustration of a cell split in two that appears to be ready to eat something. Caption: T-Cells produce proteins that turn ordinary macrophages into killers

    Homeostasis refers to the body’s ability to maintain a stable internal environment, and maintaining homeostasis requires that the body continuously monitors its internal conditions. From body temperature to blood pressure to levels of certain nutrients, each physiological condition has a particular set point. Topics covered include homeostasis, negative feedback loop, nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system, excretory system, musculoskeletal system, and the immune system. Part of the "Biology" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustration of the carbon cycle: Plants intake CO2, herbivores (giraffe) eat plants, carnivores (lion) eat herbivores, carnivores release CO2, and then plants absorb CO2. Caption: releases carbon dioxide back into the air.

    Biodiversity, or biological diversity, refers to the variety of plants, animals, and microorganisms that exist. The biodiversity of an environment is important because it helps keep the environment in a natural balance. An ecosystem which is species-rich is more resilient and adaptable to external stress than one in which the range of species is limited. Part of the "Biology" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • An illustration depicts a school of fish swimming past an underwater crater. On screen text, turbidite. Caption: on underwater marine slopes,

    In this episode, The Standard Deviants explore two different kinds of rock. First, they tackle all there is to know about sedimentary rocks. Next, they move on to metamorphic rocks. Part of "The Rockin' World of Geology" series.

    (Source: DCMP)



Showing collections 1 to 4 of 4

  • Chemistry

    • Video
    • Image
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic
    • PDF
    • Text Document
    • Simulation

    A collection of Chemistry related resources

    A collection containing 67 resources, curated by Benetech

  • Biology

    • Video
    • Image
    • Text Document
    • PDF
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic
    • 3D Model
    • Audio File

    Biology related concepts

    A collection containing 59 resources, curated by Benetech

  • Animals

    • Video

    Resources to teach younger students about animals

    A collection containing 58 resources, curated by DIAGRAM Center

  • Vision

    • Image
    • Text Document
    • PDF
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic
    • Video

    Resources related to vision

    A collection containing 12 resources, curated by Charles LaPierre