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34 resources and 1 collection matched your query.


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Showing resources 21 to 34 of 34

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  • A diver carries two oxygen cylinders and dives deep into the Floridian aqufier. Caption: It's the primary source of fresh, clean water.

    Diver Jill Heirnerth and a team of explorers and scientists explore the massive hidden underground rivers, caverns, and waters of the Floridan aquifer. The aquifer is essential for millions of people, and the team wants to study the impacts of generations of agriculture and urbanization. They are also checking the overall health of the aquifer.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Yellow bins of large fish. Caption: (male narrator) These are Atlantic cod,

    The Atlantic cod, staple food for centuries, has been overfished worldwide, and supply doesn't meet demand. After a brief look at the problem, viewers learn about "aqua farming" efforts in Scotland. Salmon and trout farming already exist there, and efforts are now being made to cooperatively develop cod farms. This British production explores the practicality, economics, and challenges of one answer to a food supply problem.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Cow with a metal hat connected to wires that lead to a large machine. Caption: Thanks to my work, she can produce chocolate milk.

    Professor Kaos has invented a machine that allows cows to produce chocolate milk. After seeing the chocolate milk-producing cows, Olli senses something is wrong. The children are left to wonder if the invention causes more problems than it solves? They help Professor Kaos realize that his invention is hurting the cows. Part of the "My Little Planet" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • People herding cattle along the banks of a river. Caption: has been helping poor rice farmers and consumers

    Rice covers most of Asia's best agricultural land and uses vast quantities of water, two vital resources that are increasingly in short supply. With the number of people in the world rising exponentially, rice farmers will have to cultivate and harvest rice with less labor, land, and time than they have in the past. Reviews how science and technology are solving this supply-and-demand problem.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Man releasing water into the air from a pump. Caption: equivalent to a major storm,

    Anyone who has ever driven in freezing rain knows all too well the potential hazards of an ice storm. These powerful winter weather events are also capable of catastrophic impacts on forest ecosystems. Syracuse University bio-geochemist Charley Driscoll and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service ecologist Lindsey Rustad are part of a team to monitor how a forest ecosystem responds to and recovers from ice storms. Part of the “Science Nation” series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Two people moving a flat of plants. Caption: are reimagining the future of farming --

    Researchers at New York University are tackling one of the major challenges in agriculture. They are trying to raise healthy plants while minimizing the use of fertilizer and the leaching of fertilizer chemicals into the environment. A team led by scientist Gloria Coruzzi and computer scientist Dennis Shasha is using the latest tools to develop new plant varieties that don't need as much nitrogen to grow. The researchers are also investigating which of the plant's genes control fertilizer uptake. Part of the "Science Nation" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Green teardrop shaped object and smaller brown spherical object both labeled as "n". Germ cells - haploid. Caption: represented by N.

    Genetic modification of organisms and cloning is controversial. Looks at the way humanity has modified genomes of plants and animals used for food since the dawn of agriculture. As knowledge of cells and genetics has increased, so has humanity's ability to alter genomes. Shows animations of how genetic engineers are now able to construct and insert genes for desirable characteristics into plants and how technology is used to increase numbers of animals with desirable traits and screen out those with disease or lower food yields.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Corn & Rice

    • Video
    Closeup of an ear of corn on a dried-out cornstalk. Caption: corn is used as a major source of livestock feed.

    One of the fifteen parts of the "Farm to Market" series. Consumed by both people and animals, corn and rice are two of the most important food crops in the world. Shows how they are grown and harvested. Talks about different types of corn, such as popcorn. Planting rice in flooded fields from the perspective of a person in a rice-seeding plane is overviewed. Also shows how these crops have alternative and environmentally friendly uses, such as rice straw and fuel.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A microscopic view shows a number of microbes.

    In 1928, a physician named Alexander Fleming observed that a mold in one of his Petri dishes was killing the bacteria he was trying to grow. This strain of mold led to one of the most significant medical discoveries in history: the antibiotic penicillin. Antibiotics soon became lifesavers. However, even back then, Fleming knew that bacteria could become resistant to penicillin. This video describes how widespread use of antibiotics in medicine, agriculture, and household products can lead to the evolution of microbes that are resistant to multiple antibiotics. Part of the "I Contain Multitudes" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • People outside, standing and looking at something being held by one of them. Caption: and look very carefully just beneath the wing,

    Examines developments in zoology and agriculture that are challenging scientists, business leaders, and government officials alike. With commentary from Lori Williams of the National Invasive Species Council, it studies a disturbing increase in nonnative and often harmful insect populations on American soil. North Carolina's sprawling hog farms and their growing waste-disposal problem are also investigated, with input from farmers, their neighbors, and EPA officials. Also offers insights into the 17-year cicada life cycle-featuring an interview with renowned entomologist and University of Maryland professor Mike Raupp.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Split image of mechanical clasps and pinchers stitching an incision and human hands manipulating mechanical controls. Caption: a surgeon can perform complex and delicate procedures

    Almost fifty years ago the first industrial robot was "employed" in an automobile assembly plant. Robots are regularly used for hazardous, super-heavy and difficult tasks in manufacturing, agriculture, entertainment, medicine, and space exploration. Welding robots with touch sensing and seam tracking abilities increase assembly plant efficiency, while robotic surgery results in less pain, quicker recovery and shorter hospital stays. NASAs robotic rovers Spirit and Opportunity are mapping the terrain and searching for evidence of water on Mars. Honda Motor Company's humanoid robot, ASIMO, can walk, run, recognize people and identify sounds and voices.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Person handling a partially ripe strawberry still on the vine. Caption: "What can we plant? What's the rotation strategy?"

    The Pajaro Valley, in the Monterey Bay area of California, is ideally suited for agriculture. In fact, the Pajaro Valley and the nearby Salinas Valley produce nearly half of the strawberries grown in the United States yearly. But, the water source for the valley is a confined underground aquifer that is slowly being depleted. In January of 2011, the American Institute of Mathematics held a Sustainability Problems workshop with the goal of bringing together mathematicians and industry representatives to work on a variety of sustainability problems, including renewable energy, air quality, water management, and other environmental issues. Part of the National Science Foundation Series “Science Nation.”

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A line of ants carrying pieces of leaf larger than their bodies. Caption: leafcutter ants maintain a complex society.

    Leaf cutter ants could be called the overachievers of the insect world. They are farmers, medicine makers, and green energy producers. With support from the National Science Foundation, bacteriologist Cameron Currie studies the complex evolutionary relationships between the ants, the fungi they cultivate and eat, and the bacteria that influence this symbiosis. At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Currie works with the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center on campus to explore how the ants manage to degrade cellulose. Her goal is to discover new ways humans might break down biomass into biofuels. The bacteria component of the ant colony could also help scientists develop more effective antibiotics for human health and agriculture.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Lava spewing from a crevasse while smoke and ash rises around it. Caption: how long the ash will linger and when the skies will be clear

    Volcanic ash is known to present hazards to aviation, infrastructure, agriculture, and human and animal health. Airborne ash coats the exteriors of aircraft, enters modern jet engines and melts while coating the interior parts thus causing damage and failure. With support from the National Science Foundation, Volcanologist Dork Sahagian and his colleagues are learning more about the aerodynamic properties of ash, and how long different sizes and shapes stay in the atmosphere. They use a wind tunnel to study how ash travels in the atmosphere during and after volcanic eruptions. They want to develop ways to predict when and for how long damaging ash will fill the skies, and when it’s safe to fly again.

    (Source: DCMP)



Showing collections 1 to 1 of 1

  • Biology

    • Video
    • Image
    • Text Document
    • PDF
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic
    • 3D Model
    • Audio File

    Biology related concepts

    A collection containing 59 resources, curated by Benetech