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30 resources and 1 collection matched your query.


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Showing resources 21 to 30 of 30

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  • Penguin chick perched on the feet of an adult penguin. Caption: Adults walk with newborns on their feet and under blubber

    Their waddle has made them famous. These flightless marine birds have adapted well to the ice, snow, and frigid waters. Emperor penguins are the largest of all penguins, and they have several adaptations, which help them survive in cold environments.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Monkey hanging from a latticework of bamboo poles. Caption: This enables primates to grab things better,

    Students are introduced to the scientific inquiry process while learning more about primates and their special adaptations, like opposable thumbs. Using the inquiry approach, students determine if primates are more likely to be right-handed or left-handed. Part of the "You at the Zoo" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Ant Bodies

    • Video
    A close up of an ant. Caption: Attached to the thorax are the ant's six legs.

    Talks about ant anatomy. Explains that not all species look alike, but they all share the same basic characteristic of having three functional body segments: head, thorax, abdomen. Describes body parts and functions of each segment. Discusses how various species of ants from Africa, South America, and Australia have adapted to their surroundings over time.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A coastal region of South West Africa. Caption: Africa Namib Desert. Latitude, 19 degrees 23 minutes South. Longitude, 12 degrees 53 minutes East. Midday Dune Temperature, 50 degrees Celsius. Average Rainfall, 2 to 85 millimeters.

    Travel to the Namib Desert and discover the key characters of some of the ingenious adaptations that allow animals to thrive in this harsh environment. The secret to life in this unique ecosystem lies in the distribution of airborne water and food sources. Part of the "Nature's Microworlds" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Closeup view of thin, light green tube-like structures growing off stone. Caption: and absorb the products of digestion,

    Part of the "Branches on the Tree of Life" series. Explores the structure, life cycles, ecology, classification, and evolutionary relationships of four major lines of fungi: Chytrids, Zygomycetes (various molds), Ascomycetes (yeasts, cup fungi, and most lichens), and Basidiomycetes (rusts and mushrooms). Emphasizes adaptations and reproductive mechanisms.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Small insect on the tip of a leaf. Caption: Ticks are parasites of birds and mammals.

    Part of the "Branches on the Tree of Life" series. Phylum Arthropoda is the most luxuriant branch on the tree of life. Covers phylum characteristics and three major arthropod classes: Crustaceans (copepods, waterfleas, branchiopods, decapods, and barnacles), Chelicerates (scorpions, pseudoscorpions, spiders, ticks, and mites), and Uniramians (centipedes, millipedes, and insects). Focuses on adaptations, life cycles, and evolutionary relationships in each section.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Closeup of a white mollusk. Caption: and simple eyes that can distinguish light from dark.

    Part of the "Branches on the Tree of Life" series. Phylum Mollusca is the second most diverse phylum of animals, with over 100,000 known species. First examined are the basic characteristics of the phylum-a soft body, muscular foot, mantle cavity with gill, and hard calcified shell. Studies the four most familiar classes of molluscs (chitons, gastropods, bivalves, and cephalopods) in depth, viewing structure, life history, adaptations, and ecological interactions.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Graphic of four islands close to each other. Each island has lizards on it. Caption: evolved independently on each island.

    Working in the islands of the Caribbean, biologist Jonathan Losos has discovered the traits that enable dozens of anole species to adapt to different vertical niches in the forest. Differences in limb length, body shape, and toepad size allow different species to flourish on the ground. However, lizards living on thin branches or high in the canopy have different characteristics. These varied adaptations have played a key role in reproductive isolation and the formation of new species.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Magnified view of an orangish-red irregular shape. Caption: and seems to be feeding on microorganisms.

    Climb aboard the Cyclops, a microscopic research vessel, and investigate an amazing hidden world on which all living things depend. The Cyclops houses a team of scientists known as the Micronauts and guides them through their discoveries of biological classification, diversity, and ecology. In this clip, the Micronauts explore the vast populations of filter feeders in the open waters of ponds. While exploring, they must escape the powerful feeding currents of these filter feeders. During this adventure, they also explore the special adaptations of algae and water fleas. Part 1 of the Microscopic Monsters Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Small furry animal perched on two legs in woody scrub with no leaves. Caption: This is the Arctic ground squirrel.

    The arctic ground squirrel has developed highly specialized adaptations to extreme environments. This species maintains circadian rhythms throughout the arctic summer, despite the almost ceaseless daylight during this period. The squirrels’ body clocks have evolved to work just fine without the help of the day/night cycle. With support from the National Science Foundation, physiological ecologist Cory Williams of the University of Alaska, Anchorage, and a team of researchers traveled to the Toolik Field Station in northern Alaska to study the arctic ground squirrel on its home turf. Part of the National Science Foundation Series “Science Nation.”

    (Source: DCMP)



Showing collections 1 to 1 of 1

  • Animals

    • Video

    Resources to teach younger students about animals

    A collection containing 58 resources, curated by DIAGRAM Center